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The impact of Interactive Whiteboard on student engagement in EFL classroom (ID:277940)

Тип роботи: магістерська
Сторінок: 106
Рік виконання: 2018
Вартість: 450
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List of abbreviations INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I - THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1.1. The concept of student engagement in SLA 1.1.1. Defining student engagement 1.1.2. The importance of engagement in language learning 1.1.3 Students’ engagement in SCL process 1.1.4 Attention in relation to engagement 1.1.5 Motivation in SLA 1.2. The potential of Interactive Whiteboard to increase student engagement and activity... 1.2.1. Interactive Whiteboard as a teaching tool 1.2.2. The advantages of application of IWBs to English classroom 1.2.3. Student engagement with IWB technology 1.2.4. The examples of the IWB activities in the EFL classroom CHAPTER II – RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2.1. Aims and research questions 2.2. Setting and Participants 2.3. Instruments and Materials 2.4. Overview of the developed activities 2.5. Data Collection Procedure CHAPTER III – REPORT OF RESEARCH FINDINGS 3.1 Analysis of the data collected 3.2 Findings in relation to research questions 3.3 Findings in relation to previous studies 3.4 Suggestions for Future Research CONCLUSION REFERENCES APPENDIXES Appendix 1 Student Engagement Checklist Appendix 2 Lesson 1 Appendix 3 Lesson 2 Appendix 4 Lesson 3 Appendix 5 Lesson 4 Appendix 6 Lesson 5 Appendix 7 Lesson 6 Appendix 8 Lesson 7 Appendix 9 Lesson 8 Appendix 10 Lesson 9 Appendix 11 Lesson 10 Appendix 12 Detailed results of the observations
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CHAPTER II – RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2.1. Aims and research questions The main aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the use of IWB on the student engagement in language learning. To achieve the above stated aim, the study addressed the following key research questions: 1. How does the use of IWB affect the behaviors observed (namely positive body language, consistent focus, verbal participation and student confidence)? 2. Are the tasks in which students directly touch and manipulate the IWB surface more engaging to students? 3. What types of activities cause the most significant engagement of students, and what are the least engaging? 4. What are the difficulties or disadvantages surrounding the implementation and use of the IWB in EFL classrooms? 5. What are students’ attitude towards using IWB during English lessons. 2.2. Setting and Participants This research was held at Krakow liceum number NN. Two classes participated in the research process: 10A and 10B. The main phase of data collection was carried out from April 2018 till May 2018. This research investigation included a quantitative same-subjects approach for data collection through systematic direct classroom observations, using the methodologies described by Jones (2009) as cited in Isaac (2014). The observation method was selected as the obvious choice among the various methods of measuring student engagement (as mentioned before, these are the observation, interview, teacher report and self-report) due to the constraints of time and resources in the framework of this study. Classroom observations have been widely used in education over the past couple of decades to measure effective teaching practices (Waxman & Padron, 2004). As a form of the observation method, highly structured observation was applied. In this way, the observation involved the use of a checklist with a number of indicators to be observed in the situation which will either support or reject a preconceived theory, according to Cohen et al. (2000) The researcher used the so called “Obtrusive or Undisguised Observation” when the respondents are aware that they are under observation by the observer. The observation carried out was the "external" observation, as it was ...