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Decision-making process when determining the modality of language exposure (ID:1046093)

Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 17
Рік виконання: 2024
Вартість: 300
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INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………..…….2 1. Early Language Exposure and Modality choice 3 1.1.Critical Periods for language acquisition 3 1.2.Decision-making process when determining the modality of language exposure 4 2. Impact on Delayed exposure 6 3. Native sign language acquisition 7 3.1.ASL as Natural language 7 3.2.Components of Sign Language 8 4. Recent Research and effective language interventions 10 4.1. Role of Cochlear Implants and Controversies surrounding CI 10 4.2.Bilingual approach 12 5. Language Development and Literacy 13 CONCLUSION: 14 LIST OF REFERENCES 15
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Language acquisition is a crucial developmental stage for every child, and this process appears to be even more complex for a group that faces the challenges of the surrounding world without the fundamental tool of hearing. Children born deaf encounter unique difficulties in language learning, as they cannot utilize auditory input to acquire language skills in the same way their hearing peers do. The study of language acquisition in deaf children has become a subject of intense scientific research and practical exploration, given that their communication skills, social adaptation, and intellectual development hinge upon it. In this context, understanding how deaf children acquire language skills without auditory input becomes a critically important task for comprehending and improving the quality of life for this particular group of children. Enhancing the educational process in schools for children with hearing impairments requires consideration of advanced scientific research in the field of deaf education and the synthesis of pedagogical experiences. According to the theoretical positions analyzing primary and secondary impairments (in line with the works of L.S. Vygotsky, O.I. D'yachkov, S.O. Zikov), optimal correctional approaches to teaching and upbringing of children with hearing impairments have been developed (R.M. Boskis, L.V. Neiman, N.G. Morozova, O.P. Gozova, F.F. Rau). Valuable results have been achieved through research in deaf education and deaf psychology conducted by Ukrainian scientists (L.I. Fomichova, M.K. Sheremet, G.M. Kobernik, N.F. Zasenko, I.M. Loburets, E.P. Groza).