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Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 47
Рік виконання: 2024
Вартість: 500
Купити цю роботу
INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL ASPECT OF LEADERSHIP AND PEOPLE MANAGEMENT 5 1.1. Evolution of perspectives on leadership: from management theories to leadership models 5 1.2. Fundamental principles of leadership and personnel management 13 1.3. The role of leadership in shaping an effective team 17 CHAPTER 2. PRACTICAL ASPECT OF LEADERSHIP AND PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT IN A RETAIL COMPANY 21 2.1. Current state of human resource management in the retail company 21 2.2. Tools and methods for effective personnel management in the company 23 2.3. Development of a strategy for implementing management approaches in the business context 33 CONCLUSIONS 42 REFERENCES 44
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Actuality of theme. Management and leadership in the field of personnel management are key aspects of the successful functioning of any organization. One of the key issues that arise in the context of people management concerns the differences between leadership and management. Leadership is generally focused on inspiring, motivating, and creating a vision, while management focuses on planning, organizing, and controlling. Both aspects are necessary to ensure the effective functioning of the organization, and successful leaders often combine both roles. The role of a leader also includes the ability to develop and support a team, create motivation among employees and stimulate innovative ideas. At the same time, empathy, communication and the ability to inspire trust in the team are important aspects. While the leadership role may be more about creating direction and strategy, HR focuses on more specific aspects such as recruiting, training, evaluating and developing employees. The topic also emphasizes the development of leadership potential and the importance of effective management of labor relations. Management is not limited to strategic direction, it also includes practical aspects of effective communication, motivation and staff development. Flexibility and the ability to adapt to new realities become the determining factors of success.