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Adaptation of English lexical units in Ukrainian messaging. (ID:332895)

Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 17
Рік виконання: 2019
Вартість: 500
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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ………………………………….……. ….……...3 SECTION 1. …………………............................................................4 1.1. Borrowings. Type of the borrowings. …………………….4 1.2. Framework for lexical borrowing………………………...6 1.3. Social and linguistic factors……………………………….7 SECTION 2. .……………………………………….............................9 2.1. Word analysis.……...…………………..….….………….....9 2.2. Classification.………………………………..…..………....14 CONCLUSIONS ……………………………………………….…….15 WORKS CITED……….………………...…………………..………..16 APPENDIX/ APPENDICES ……………..…………………...……...17
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We are constantly using our mobile devices in order to send text messages, it has become a common activity for everyone, an inseparable part of everyday life. The significance of the paper lies in the fact that the language, which is used to formulate text messages is extremely important and reflects the trends existing in modern languages. The paper research goal is to determine both qualitative and quantitative parameters of English lexical units used in modern text messaging and their interconnection with modern language at large. The research paper objectives are to classify adopted lexical units and find out specific features in process of linguistic adaptation The object of the paper research are lexical units that are actively used in messages