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Проблема німецько-українського перекладу програмного забезпечення (на прикладі серії мобільних телефонів "iPhone") (ID:973556)

Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 38
Рік виконання: 2022
Вартість: 2000
Купити цю роботу
Contents Introduction 1. The transfer of terms during translation: on the theoretical framework of the study. 1.1. Translation of terms 1.1.1 Software as text 1.1.2 Internationalization 1.1.3 Localization 1.2. Mobile phones in everyday life and in society 1.2.1 The popularity of the company "Apple" 1.2.2 Apple iPhone. 2. Translation of the "iPhone Apple" user interface Conclusion References.
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Introduction Translation is very important today, in the global world the profession of an interpreter and translator is in high demand. A translator is a mediator between different cultures. I believe that machine translation cannot replace a person. But I think that interpreting in large companies is losing its popularity because today employers hire people with sufficient knowledge of a foreign language. We live in a world where we often encounter a foreign language. We buy foreign goods, drive foreign cars, use foreign equipment, eat foreign-made food. Every day, without realizing it, we study a foreign language. I decided to investigate this in detail, namely translation of the user interface. The goal of this scientific work is: 1) Software translation research; 2) understand the difference between localization and internationalization; 3) Analysis of features of Ukrainian and German software translation.