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Linguistic means of expressing emotions in social media (ID:851168)

Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 25
Рік виконання: 2022
Вартість: 300
Купити цю роботу
INTRODUCTION 3 SECTION 1. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE STUDY OF LINGUISTIC MEANS OF EXPRESSING EMOTIONS IN SOCIAL MEDIA 5 1.1. Social media language means concept 5 1.2. Ways to express emotions on social media 7 1.3. Stylistic concepts in social networks 10 SECTION 2. LINGUISTIC MEANS OF EXPRESSING EMOTIONS IN SOCIAL MEDIA 13 2.1. Lexical ways of expressing emotions in electronic communication 13 2.2. Grammatical ways of expressing emotions 16 2.3. Pictorial and expressive means of expressing emotions 17 CONCLUSIONS 20 WORKS CITED 22 APPENDICES 25
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Lexical ways of expressing emotions include emotional vocabulary – words expressing positive and negative emotions. Expressing positive emotions (acceptance, sympathy, interest, approval). Expressing negative emotions (disapproval, contempt, disagreement) (Galsworthy 282). Exploring the level of expression of emotions in social networks, we have identified various lexical means in the English language. The first lexical means is joy. I'm happy is the first thing that comes to mind when you need to say in English that you are happy (Gray 100-101). What words and expressions can we use to express joy on social networks (see appendiх 1). The second lexical device is sadness. When the day went wrong or something bad happened, we can use the adjective sad to describe our mood, but it is better to use synonyms that diversify your speech and describe emotions more accurately (Danes 286). What words and expressions can we express sadness on social networks (see appendiх 2). The third lexical device is anger. Even such negative emotions as irritation and anger need to be able to be described in English. When we are very annoyed, we use such expressions I'm angry.