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The rise of organized crime in East Asia (ID:845210)

Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 25
Рік виконання: 2022
Вартість: 2500
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Appearing of two powerful mafia islands. International works. Asia. International works. USA. Conclusion
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After end of world war East Asian mafia consisted of two leaders: the Yakuza and the Triads, or another words Japanese mafia and Chinese mafia. Other crime syndicates, like prostitution mafia in Philippines or drug golden triangle, have risen because of interventions or even direct financing of mafia leaders. It has to be understood that Triad and Yakuza is just a common name for ethnic crime groups . In Japan its four Yakuza families but only two, the oldest one work on transnational arena . Triad groups have never worked together at all, the problem is that there were three ethnic triad groups: Hong Kong organizations, Chinese and Teochew community and each ethnicity had more than seven gangs. Triad spread their ideas all over the Asia, for example Vietnamese mafia worked by similar schemas and if someday Triad would unite or even some big influential gangs start cooperate they will became the strongest organize criminal group in the world. Lucky for world, Triads as well as Yakuza ended make connections with other gangsters in the middle of XX century. Another side of organized criminal groups of Asia is positive one, both of them: Triads and Yakuza were called mafia of patriots .