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Тип роботи: стаття
Сторінок: 5
Рік виконання: 2022
Вартість: 400
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Зразок роботи
South African Tourism promotes South Africa as a unique tourism region that can offer its attractions all year round. The program for the development of South African tourism at the international level should become a component of the implementation of the idea of the African Renaissance (the NEPAD program), which was announced by the current president of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki. The market strategy for the development of international tourism involves the promotion of South African landscapes, the diversity of wildlife, ecological tourism, a colorful kaleidoscope of cultural traditions and historical heritage, which will contribute to the fuller disclosure of the country's limitless potential in the field of sports, the development of adventure and professional tourism, conference tourism, interest tours etc. One of the main tasks of the tourism policy of the state is the creation of new jobs. South Africa is seen as a country where you can get a quality education and a world-class diploma. More and more foreign citizens are completing postgraduate studies in information and telecommunication technologies, accounting, management and modern business at the country's universities. Thus, it can be said that educational tourism has potential for development in South Africa. The development of tourism and recreation in Africa is overseen by such government institutions as the Ministry of Tourism, Department of Environment and Tourism, Department of Trade and Industry, etc.