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Презентація Презентація Vital aspects of communication that a corporate finance manager in Canada should have (ID:651983)

Тип роботи: інше
Сторінок: 8
Рік виконання: 2022
Вартість: 150
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Management, communication and quality are three inextricably linked concepts that shape human economic activity. Management, according to Peter F. Drucker, is "what we traditionally call a liberated art. «Liberated» because it deals with the foundations of knowledge, self-knowledge, wisdom and leadership, and "art" because it finds practical application. Managers use all humanistic and social knowledge-psychology, philosophy, economics, history and ethics-as well as the natural sciences. Canadian corporate finance manager in 77 cases out of 100 is a young and ambitious professional. In Canada, about 23% of respondents to a survey conducted by the Conference Board (2006) responded that their organizations are already facing an aging workforce. In 70% of cases have good relations with their own management.