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Английский (ID:221987)

Тип роботи: контрольна
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 7
Рік виконання: 2016
Вартість: 15
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Назва: 2.Вивчити такі слова й підставити їх у речення Вивчити такі слова й підставити їх у речення to refer to - to be relevant; relate authority - power or right to enforce obedience; delegated power extent - range, scope, degree recruitment - the process of enlisting recruits, i.e. new members of a company promotion - publicizing and selling a product substantial - essential; large in size or amount salary - fixed regular wages, usu, monthly or quarterly, esp for white-collar work capital - money etc. with which a company starts in business; accumulated wealth expenditure - spending or using up (money, time, etc.) stock - capital of a business; shares in this to delegate - to send or authorize (a person) as a representative to adapt - to adjust to new conditions to take risks - to chance the possibilities of danger etc. 1) If you buy these shares you …………….. of losing all your savings. 2) Her …………. is not very high. She earns about $1,800 a month. 3) Soundsonic Inc. hired 200 employees during last ………….. 4) One of the factors that influences on the rate of sales of the product at the market is its ……………… 5) I was amazed at the …………. of his knowledge in astronomy. 6) These machines have been specially ……………… for use under water and high pressures. 7) The Jasons set up their single proprietorship with a starting ………………. of $150000. 8) His speech was ignored by the ……………… majority of people present at the meeting. 9) He is acting under the ……………. of sales director. 10) This paragraph ………………. to the basics of business communication.   Назва: 3. Дати відповідь на запитання 1) How can you define "authority"? 2) To which extent should authority be delegated to lower levels or divisions of an organisation? 3) What is the Head Office responsible for in a centralised company? 4) What are the responsibilities and authority of a divisional manager in a decentralised company? 5) How is it possible to find a balance between centralisation and decentralisation in practice? 6) What are advantages and disadvantages of a centralised and decentralised company?   4. Перевірити граматику й виконати завдання Here are examples of what you say when you report what someone has said. • Notice the verbs that are used to introduce each report. • The verb in the reported part is always in the past form as are the time expressions. • You normally report in the third person, unless you are talking about what you said yourself. 1. In statements: 'I will not come to the meeting tomorrow'. - She said (that) she would not come to the meeting the next day. 'This is the first bad cheque we've had this month'. - He said (that) that was the first bad cheque they had had that month. 2. In requests: 'Can we send you these invoices today?' - She asked whether she could send us those invoices the same day. 'Will you audit the figures for this year, please?' - They asked whether we would audit the figures for that year. 3. In questions: 'Are you seeing my colleagues next week?' - She wanted to known if they were seeing her colleagues the week after. 'Which of the two statements of accounts is this year's?' - They wanted to known which of the two statements of accounts was that year's. Transform the conversation below into reported speech. 1) Anna Braun: Good morning! I'm just calling to ask about the second quarter shipment. Has it arrived yet? Bill Armstrong: Well, I'm not really sure. Anna Braun called to ask whether Bill Armstrong replied that 2) Anna Braun: Do you think it could have been delayed? She 3) Bill Armstrong: I don't know. I have no delivery note so far. He 4) Anna Braun: Well, the problem is that we've no record of payment. …………………………………………………………. 5) Bill Armstrong: And is that the reason why you are ringing today? ………………………………………………………… 6) Anna Braun: You've always been such regular payers in the past, haven't you? …………………………………………………………. 7) Bill Armstrong: But we have a cash-flow problem at the moment. ………………………………………………………… 8) Anna Braun: So what do you propose we do? ………………………………………………………… 9) Bill Armstrong: Couldn't you possibly let us have just ten days? …………………………………………………………. 10)Anna Braun: Very well, but this will be the absolute limit. …………………………………………………………
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