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Тип роботи: бакалаврська
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 21
Рік виконання: 2020
Вартість: 500
Купити цю роботу
Работа есть на украинском и на английском языке. НО работа не окончена, есть только 1 раздел, отсутствует 2 раздел, список литерытура и выводы. Tables of contents Introduction…………………………………………………………………………3 І Chapter 5 1.1 Gender and basic gender theories in linguistics…………………………………5 1.2 Gender features of communication .8 1.3 Features of Internet communication 12 1.4 Gender features of Internet communication 16 ІІ Chapter 26 2.1 Gender features of communication in the social network Facebook 26 2.2 Gender features of communication in the social network Twitter 36 Conclusions 47 References 50 Sources of illustrative material 55
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Зразок роботи
The subject of the thesis is the gender factor in Internet communication. The relevance of the work is that Internet communication has emerged relatively recently, and moreover, is constantly evolving and changing, and each Internet user has their own style, that is often due to his gender, which provides unlimited space for research. The object of research is Internet communication in social networks. The subject of research is the gender features of communication on the Internet. The aim of the work is to study the differences in the speech of Internet users of women and men gender. The aim is achieved by solving the following tasks: • To define the concept of “gender” and consider the main gender theories in linguistics. • To analyze the description of gender-labeled language at the lexical, phonological and syntactic-pragmatic levels according on the works of authoritative scientists. • To determine and summarize the gender features of communication. • To identify and analyze the features of Internet communication on the works of authoritative scientists. • To determine and summarize the gender features of Internet communication based on the works of authoritative scientists. • To investigate the gender characteristics of communication in the social network Facebook. • To investigate the gender features of communication on the social network Twitter. • To confirm or deny the implementation of gender features of Internet communication, identified by scientists, in these social networks in the realities of 2014. • To identify your own additional gender markers in these social networks. The material of the research is a set of 6000 posts on Facebook and 2000 posts on Twitter identified by the method of continuous sampling.