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Academic Writing (ID:481516)

Тип роботи: курсова
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 25
Рік виконання: 2019
Вартість: 800
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INTRODUCTION…....................................................................................................2 CHAPTER I. Academic Writing…………………………………………………….4 1.1. Short description of the meaning “academic writing” and its usage……………..4 1.2. The 4 types of Academic Writing……………………………………………….6 CHAPTER II. Types of academic writing and the rules of using it. Examples of out-of class activities for writing in secondary school……………….....………….13 2.1. The Forms of Academic Writing………………..……………………………….13 2.2. Structure: Planning the Paper…………………………………………………….15 2.2.1. Basic Structure of Academic Writing…………………………………...16 2.3. Examples of exercises in academic writing. Out-of class activities……………..20 CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………...26 REFERENCES……………………………………………………………………...27
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INTRODUCTION Effective writing skills are essential not only for attaining professional credentials but also for advancing in one’s career. Although sometimes treated synonymously, academic writing do have some variations in its purposes and characteristics. Understanding the characteristics of academic writing and employing it appropriately may be the difference between a stellar professional career and one of continual angst resulting from the publish-or-perish paradigm. Writing is among the most complex human activities – it involves the development of a design idea, the capture of mental representations of knowledge, and of experience with subjects. The interlocking processes of writing by novice and expert authors have been studied by such diverse disciplines as cognitive psychology, stylistics, rhetoric, text linguistics, critical literary theory, hypertext theory, second language acquisition, and writing pedagogy. From such a wealth of approaches and themes, this work will be concerned with what is immediately relevant to the teaching and learning of writing in EFL at advanced levels. Academic writing has always played a large and central role for students all over the world. School and university teachers spend many weeks of the year trying to pass on their knowledge and teach their students to write academically, as they know the benefits of acquiring this skill early on. Academic writing usually requires students to look at somebody else’s work or ideas and then form an informed opinion on it. Instead of merely describing the work of other people, students have to think about why it has been carried out and which uses its findings may have for the future. This type of writing makes students take in what they have read and decide how much importance it holds for their subject. The actuality of the work is motivated by the fact that it is a research with explaining and systematizing the knowledge about academic writing and its types at all. Scientific novelty of the paper consists in explaining and showing the rules of academic writing. The object of the analysis is characterization of the definition of academic writing. The subject of the analysis is the structural peculiarities of academic writing and defining the out-of class activities for academic writing in secondary school. The aim of the work is to analyse and systematize the knowledge on this theme. To fulfill the aim the following tasks are set: – to analyze what is academic writing; – to reveal the essential characteristics and peculiarities of academic writing; – to present its structure and examples of the out-of class activities for improving writing. The paper consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion and the list of references. The first chapter provides the essential terms used in the research, gives the definition of academic writing, singles out the main types of it. The second chapter presents the examples and rules of academic writing. The conclusion summarizes the results of the research.
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