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National British meals (ID:836941)

Тип роботи: інше
Сторінок: 11
Рік виконання: 2022
Вартість: 800
Купити цю роботу
Introduction Current Food Culture Trends in the United Kingdom A cuisine culture in the United Kingdom that embraces cultural diversity Ethnic minorities reveal an opposite trend in food culture Conclusion References
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Зразок роботи
The current culinary culture of the United Kingdom reflects recent changes in social life and the economy. Food industrialization, the changing role of women in the office and at home, family disintegration, international travel (which is no longer a luxury), and immigration have all contributed to the remarkable transformation of food mores and attitudes over the last 50 years [Chiaro 2008:195-96]. These changes have resulted in the emergence of three separate trends, which are as follows: ❖ takeaways, ready meals, and convenience foods account for the majority of the food market segment; ❖ preference for dining out; and, most importantly, ❖ assimilation of new, foreign foods, i.e., the flavors of "others," making UK customers' tastes more cosmopolitan [Ibid.].
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