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Nominative sentences in The World According To Garp (1978) by John Irving (ID:899439)

Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 30
Рік виконання: 2023
Вартість: 200
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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1 THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL BACKGROUND OF NOMINATIVE SENTENCES 6 1.1. Theoretical background of nominative sentences 6 1.2. Methodological background in analysing lexical and semantic features of nominative sentences 9 CHAPTER 2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 12 2.1. Structural types of nominative sentences in The World According To Garp (1978) by John Irving 12 2.2. Communicative functions of nominative sentences in The World According to Garp (1978) by John Irving 16 CONCLUSION 22 REFERENCES 25 ABSTRACT 27 APPENDICES 28
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INTRODUCTION Statement of the problem. The key problem is the problem of the ratio of the formal-syntactic and semantic-syntactic structure of the sentence, because it allows you to focus on issues related to speech activity, verbalization of feelings, human emotions and reactions. Research object and subject. The object of research is nominative sentences in The World According to Garp (1978) by John Irving in view of their semantics, and the subject is lexical and semantic features of nominative sentences in The World According to Garp (1978) by John Irving. Topicality. The current stage of the development of linguistics is characterized by attention to the study of linguistic phenomena in the functional-communicative aspect, which makes it possible to combine lexical, morphological and syntactic units according to their functional purpose and the common communicative-pragmatic functions they perform Aim and objectives of the study. The aim of the research is to theoretically investigate and practically analyze lexical and semantic features of nominative sentences in The World According to Garp (1978) by John Irving. Objectives 1. To research background of nominative sentences. 2. To study methodological background in analyzing lexical and semantic features of nominative sentences. 3. To analyse structural types of nominative sentences in The World According to Garp (1978) by John Irving. 4. To research Communicative functions of nominative sentences in The World According to Garp (1978) by John Irving. Theoretical significance of the study. The theoretical significance of the research lies in the fact that the issue of the relationship between the formal-syntactic and semantic-syntactic structure of the nominative sentence received further development, and the analysis of the nominative sentences in the researched novel made it possible to draw appropriate scientific conclusions. Practical significance of the study. The practical significance of the work is that the results of the research can be used in seminary classes when studying such disciplines as Syntax, as well as for writing essays. Definition of key terms. Nominative sentences are sentences in which the existence of some objects or phenomena is asserted. The main article in nominative sentences is expressed by a noun in the nominative singular or plural (Лимаренко, 2013). Theoretical framework The syntax of nominative sentences on the example of different languages was studied by Y. Andersh (Czech language), P. Dudyk, A. Zahnitko, Z. Korzhak, M. Stepanenko, L. Stovbur, S. Kharchenko, T. Shabat-Savka (Ukrainian language), A. Pidhirna, O. Shvets (English and French) and others. The structure of nominative sentences was studied by S. Burdina, O. Leuta, V. Lopata, A. Pidhirna, and others. Communicative typology of nominative sentences was studied by P. Dudyk, O. Zaliubovska, V. Kukhareva-Rozhko, O. Lymarenko, A. Romanchenko, and others. Vocabulary and semantics were the subject of research by such scientists as L. Afanasieva, D. Buttler, A. Lehrer, I. A. Richards, C. K. Ogden, and others. Among them, the semantics of nominative sentences were studied by O. Leuta, G. Leech, A. Pidhirna, and others. Linguistic research methods were described by such scientists as P. Andersen, S. Matvieieva, W. Teubert (corpus approach), L. Afanasieva, K. BieDkowska (semantic analysis) and others. Methodology Analysis of literature was used to analyse scientific literature, synthesis was used to generalize the conclusions of scientists and our own research results, corpus analysis was used to sel ect illustrative material fr om the text, semantic analysis was used to analyse the semantics of nominative sentences, analysis of syntactic stylistic devices was used to study the structure of nominative sentences, classification was used to group nominative sentences according to various characteristics, quantitative analysis was used to obtain statistical results, and the graphic method was used to visualize the obtained results. Research materials The World According to Garp (1978) by John Irving. Structure of the course paper The coursework consists of an introduction, two chapters divided into paragraphs, conclusions, references, abstract in Ukrainian and appendices. The INTRODUCTION substantiates the relevance of the research, defines the object and subject of the research, and formulates the scientific apparatus. In the first chapter THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL BACKGROUND OF NOMINATIVE SENTENCES, the theoretical background of nominative sentences is defined, as well as the problem of methodological background in analysing lexical and semantic features of nominative sentences is considered. In the second chapter RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, the Structural types of nominative sentences in The World According to Garp (1978) by John Irving is investigated, the Communicative functions of nominative sentences in The World According to Garp (1978) by John Irving is analysed. THE CONCLUSIONS contain the main results of the study, provide recommendations and outline scientific perspectives for further research. THE REFERENCES includes 35 items, including 12 in foreign languages. THE ABSTRACT contains generalized information about the course work in Ukrainian. THE APPENDICES contain sentences of illustrative material.
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