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Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 35
Рік виконання: 2023
Вартість: 380
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Table of contents Introduction 4 PART ONE. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF STUDYING MILLENNIAL CONCEPT IN ENGLISH NEWS DICOURSE 7 1.1. Definition of concepts and their classification 7 1.2. MILLENNIAL concept 10 1.3. Media discourse and news stories 13 1.3.1. Structure of news stories. 13 1.3.2. Linguistic peculiarities of news story 15 Conclusions on Part I 16 PART TWO. CONSTRUCTIONS DENOTING MILLENNIAL CONCEPT 19 2.1. Constructions denoting social interaction 19 2.1.1. Constructions appealing to belongingness need 19 2.1.2. Constructions denoting physiological needs 22 2.1.3. Constructions denoting occupation 22 2.2. Constructions denoting technology 23 2.3. Constructions denoting money 26 Conclusions on Part II 27 Literature 31 Illustration Sources 35
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Introduction The concept is a thought or idea in the mind of a person which takes the central position in cognitive linguistics and cognitive sciences due to the increased interest to the science conceptology [Lawrence 1999: 3]. For many years the content of the word “concept” had been considered to be similar to the content of the word “notion” and only few decades ago these two phenomena were separated [Богомолова 2014: 84]. Since that time many scholars have been investigating the “concept” phenomenon, its classification and cultural differences – A. Bogomolova [Богомолова 2014], O. Vorobjova [Воробйова 2013], E. Margolis [Margolis 1999], S.Lawrence [Lawrence 1999] etc. Many scholars, researchers and journalists investigated the MILLENNIAL concept. The MILLENNIAL concept stands for a representative of the Generation Y, i.e. people born between the1980s till the beginning of the 2000s. Researches managed to single out typical features of this generational demographic cohort and analyze its impact on following generation [Howe 2009: 402]. One more significant fact is that MILLENNIAL concept is mainly referred to in the news discourse in which new information is given about recent events [Dijk 1988: 13]. English news discourse is widely known to have its peculiar features such as brevity, using proper names, division of the information into smaller parts, different types of sentences which distinguish it from the news discourse of other countries [Жулавська 2015]. Moreover, the research pays attention to the structure of news story suggested by Teun Van Dijk [Dijk 1985: 86]. Taking into account the definition of concept and its classifications, various works on millennials’ features, peculiarities and structure of news stories the MILLENNIAL concept is analyzed in the English news discourse. The relevance of the research consists in the fact that at present millennials is the generation most frequently referred to in news stories. The course paper aims to study the MILLENNIAL concept analyzing constructions used in English news stories. The work is intended to solve the following tasks: - to define the notion of “concept”; - to define News discourse and designate its main peculiarities; - to highlight the main feature of English news discourse; - to provide the structural categories of English news discourse and analyze the content side of every component; - to analyze constructions that are used in news stories to characterize millennials; - to structure constructions denoting millennials. The object of the research is the MILLENNIAL concept in English new discourse. The subject is the constructional aspect of verbalizing the MILLENNIAL concept in the English news discourse. The material of the research is the News stories on English news sites namely BBC [https://www.bbc.com/], Entrepreneur [https://www.entrepreneur.com/], Global News [https://globalnews.ca/], The Independent [https://www.independent.co.uk/], The New York Times [https://www.nytimes.com/]. The aim and the tasks of the research paper presuppose the application of the following general scientific methods: the method of random sampling so as to single out constructions denoting millennials; quantitative method in order to count the most frequently used constructions. The specific linguistic methods are as follows: definitional approach for defining terms relevant to the topic; classification method for dividing constructions into different groups; the method of generalization for formulation of names of groups of constructions and for making conclusions. Theoretical value of the research is defined by the fact that the investigation of different types of constructions denoting millennial in the news stories contributes to theoretical grammar, lexicology and discourse analysis. Practical value consists in the possibility of using the material of the work in the courses of grammar.
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