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Phonological features of Scottish English (ID:933828)

Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 27
Рік виконання: 2023
Вартість: 250
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CONTENTS INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………..3 CHAPTER 1. THE DEVELOPMENT OF PHONOLOGICAL PATTERNS OF SCOTTISH ENGLISH 1.1 The historical background of Scottish English……………………………………….…5 1.2 Phonological features of modern Scottish English ……………………………………10 Conclusions to Chapter 1………………………………………………………………….14 CHAPTER 2. PHONOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF SCOTTISH ENGLISH IN VIDEO BLOGS 2.1 Scottish English video blogs as a reflection of modern phonological patterns…..........15 2.2 A comparative analysis of the standard Scottish English (SSE) and Received Pronunciation (RP)………………………………………………………………………...19 Conclusions to Chapter 2………………………………………………………………….25 CONCLUSIONS…………………………………………………………………………..26 REFERENCES……………………………………….……………………………………27  
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INTRODUCTION Nowadays, the most widely spoken language is English. There are over 30 variants (dialects) of English, each of which differs in its structure, vocabulary, grammar, and phonetics. Everyone has heard that there is British English, American, Australian, South African, even Indian, and others. They were formed due to the territorial division of countries, when communication took place mostly through the exchange of letters. The most common dialects in the British Isles are British, Welsh, Scottish and Irish. Of the dialects listed above, the most specific in its phonetics, grammar and structure is the Scottish dialect. The Scots like to be reminded that they once spoke a Scottish dialect of English called "Scots". Many foreigners have the impression that the Scots still speak it today. Sir James Murray, a Scotsman and author of the Oxford English Dictionary, also published a grammar of the Scottish dialect, since already at the end of the 19th century there were many differences between English and the dialect spoken by his fellow countrymen. Not mistakes, but differences, since we are talking about Scotland. To date, the Scottish pronunciation of the English language has not been sufficiently studied in linguistics. Meanwhile, it is of interest for conducting diachronic and sociolinguistic research, as well as research in the field of bilingualism. A detailed description of the Scottish pronunciation system is an important condition for their implementation. This determined the relevance of the chosen subject of the work. In this course work, a comparative analysis of the phonological systems of the standard Scottish English and the standard model of British pronunciation (Received Pronunciation) is carried out, the phonetic and phonological features of Scottish vocalism and consonantism are highlighted. The aim of this work is to study the phonological features of Scottish English. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to perform the following tasks: - to investigate the historical background of Scottish English; - to analyze the phonological features of modern Scottish English; - to study Scottish English video blogs as a reflection of modern phonological patterns; - to analyze and compare the standard Scottish English (SSE) and Received Pronunciation (RP). The object of study is the Scottish English. The subject of research is the phonological features of modern Scottish English. When writing a term paper the following methods were used: methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization of information, as well as comparative and descriptive statistics. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research works were Ukrainian, Russian and foreign linguists on applied linguistics. Practical significance of the work is the opportunity to consider the results of the study as a fragmentary part of comprehensive study of the phonological features of modern Scottish English. The structure of work. The work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusions and references. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, the most widely spoken language is English. There are over 30 variants (dialects) of English, each of which differs in its structure, vocabulary, grammar, and phonetics. Everyone has heard that there is British English, American, Australian, South African, even Indian, and others. They were formed due to the territorial division of countries, when communication took place mostly through the exchange of letters. The most common dialects in the British Isles are British, Welsh, Scottish and Irish. Of the dialects listed above, the most specific in its phonetics, grammar and structure is the Scottish dialect. The Scots like to be reminded that they once spoke a Scottish dialect of English called "Scots". Many foreigners have the impression that the Scots still speak it today. Sir James Murray, a Scotsman and author of the Oxford English Dictionary, also published a grammar of the Scottish dialect, since already at the end of the 19th century there were many differences between English and the dialect spoken by his fellow countrymen. Not mistakes, but differences, since we are talking about Scotland. To date, the Scottish pronunciation of the English language has not been sufficiently studied in linguistics. Meanwhile, it is of interest for conducting diachronic and sociolinguistic research, as well as research in the field of bilingualism. A detailed description of the Scottish pronunciation system is an important condition for their implementation. This determined the relevance of the chosen subject of the work. In this course work, a comparative analysis of the phonological systems of the standard Scottish English and the standard model of British pronunciation (Received Pronunciation) is carried out, the phonetic and phonological features of Scottish vocalism and consonantism are highlighted. The aim of this work is to study the phonological features of Scottish English. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to perform the following tasks: - to investigate the historical background of Scottish English; - to analyze the phonological features of modern Scottish English; - to study Scottish English video blogs as a reflection of modern phonological patterns; - to analyze and compare the standard Scottish English (SSE) and Received Pronunciation (RP). The object of study is the Scottish English. The subject of research is the phonological features of modern Scottish English. When writing a term paper the following methods were used: methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization of information, as well as comparative and descriptive statistics. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research works were Ukrainian, Russian and foreign linguists on applied linguistics. Practical significance of the work is the opportunity to consider the results of the study as a fragmentary part of comprehensive study of the phonological features of modern Scottish English.
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