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The Phenomenon of ellipsis in the English-language news discource (ID:933833)

Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 33
Рік виконання: 2022
Вартість: 200
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SUMMARY INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………..3 SECTION 1. SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO THE INTERPRETATION OF THE ELLIPSIS PHENOMENON 1.1 The essence, content of the phenomenon of the ellipsis…………………..…5 1.2 Structural and functional features of the ellipsis……………………………7 1.3 Theoretical aspects of the functioning of elliptical structures in English- language news discource……………………………………………………………..14 Conclusions to Section 1 SECTION 2. PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF THE STUDY OF THE ELLIPSE PHENOMENON IN ENGLISH NEWS DISCOURSE 2.1 Types and characteristics of major English-language news……………..…19 2.2 Ellipsis in print……………………………………………………………..21 2.3 Features of the expression of the ellipsis in television news………………..27 Conclusions to Section 2..……………………………………………………...30 CONCLUSIONS……………………………………………………………..31 LIST OF SOURCES AND LITERATURE…………………………………33
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The tendency to save language resources is a universal process that determines the development and functioning of language. The desire to express the diversity of the objective world more economically and in a sufficiently capacious way is conditioned by the needs of thinking and communication. The criterion for the brevity of the statement is the relationship between the amount of information transmitted and spent for this language (speech) means. Reducing the utterance allows to increase its information volume, and the richness of the means of economy in different stylistic groups - to convey emotional and stylistic 'semantic nuances. The question of the syntactic nature of abbreviated, incomplete sentences is controversial: some scholars attach them to independent and independent sentences, others - to elliptical, simple. The study of language economy has become relevant only relatively recently. This is due to a number of contradictions in the interpretation of the nature of the ellipse as a phenomenon of dual order. The aim of this work is to study the phenomenon of the ellipse in the English-language news discourse. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to perform the following tasks: - to investigate the essence, content of the phenomenon of the ellipsis; - to analyze the structural and functional features of the ellipsis; - to study theoretical aspects of the functioning of elliptical structures in English- language news discource; - to analyze types and characteristics of major English-language news; - to investigate ellipsis in print; - to reveal features of the expression of the ellipsis in television news. The object of study is the theoretical and practical aspects of the phenomenon of ellipsis in the English-language news discourse. . The subject of research is features of the expression of the ellipsis in television news. When writing a term paper the following methods were used: methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization of information, as well as comparative and descriptive statistics. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research works were Ukrainian, Russian and foreign linguists on applied linguistics, in particular with regard to the the phenomenon of ellipsis. Practical significance of the work is the opportunity to consider the results of the study as a fragmentary part of comprehensive study of the phenomenon of the ellipsis. The structure of work. The work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusions and references.
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