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Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 32
Рік виконання: 2022
Вартість: 200
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INTRODUCTION……………………………….……………………………3 CHAPTER 1 Stylistics as a branch of applied linguistics 1.1 Stylistic aspects of translation……………...…………………………….4 1.2 Features of translation of stylistic figures in poetry……………………..12 CONCLUSIONS TO CHAPTER……………………………………………..14 GHAPTER 2 Stylistic features of poetry translation into Ukrainian (a case of study “A Psalm of life” by Henry Wardsworth Longfellow) 2.1 Stylistic features of the style of Henry Longfellow………………………...15 2.2 The complexity of the transfer of semantic structure in the translation of poetry “A Psalm of life” by Henry Wardsworth Longfellow…………………………19 2.3 The relationship between the context of author and the context of translator……………………………………………………………………………..26 CONCLUSIONS TO CHAPTER…………………………………………..28 CONCLUSIONS………………………………………………………...…...29 BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………30 APPENDIXES………………………………………………………………..32
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In Ukrainian culture, English-language poetry is not fully represented, due to the insufficient number of translated works, and in some cases the inadequate quality of interpretation. The difficulty of reproducing imagery is related to its versatility, which is determined by ambiguity, emotional saturation, metaphor, sound and symbolism. It is especially difficult to preserve an image that goes beyond a single work and is revealed in various poetic texts, united thematically or ideologically. In interpretation, it is important to reproduce the semantic core of the corresponding romantic macro image. Although the totality of translations deepens the semantics of the original, alone they tend to reveal only one of the possible meanings of romantic poetry. Within the theory of translation, unfortunately, insufficient attention is still paid to the integrative approach to the consideration of stylistic problems of translation, as pointed out, in particular, by researchers such as Rice, Snell Hornby, Wills and others. Stylistics is of interest to translation theory because it describes various situational factors influencing language, without which it is impossible to achieve adequate translation. Therefore, there is a need to develop a stylistic theory of translation. Stylistics is a branch of linguistics and literary studies (poetics) that studies the functional and stylistic means of language and their application in terms of norms, their variants (normative stylistics) and deviations (literary stylistics) in synchronous and diachronic (historical stylistics). The main subject of study is style in all linguistic meanings of this term (individual manner of performing speech acts, functional style of speech, style of speech, etc.). Stylistics also explores the evolution of styles in relation to the history of literary language, the language of the work of art in its evolution, the expressive means of language, figures and paths. The object of study is the stylistic features of the translation of poetry “A Psalm of life” by Henry Wardsworth Longfellow. The subject of research is stylistic features of translation of poetic text into Ukrainian. The purpose of the work is to investigate the samples of translations of the Psalm of Life into Ukrainian and to identify the features and distinctive features of these works. According to the purpose the tasks of work are: - to investigate stylistic aspects of translation$ - to reveal features of translation of stylistic figures in poetry; - to analyze stylistic features of the style of Henry Longfellow; - to clarify the complexity of the transfer of semantic structure in the translation of poetry “A Psalm of life” by Henry Wardsworth Longfellow; - to install the relationship between the context of author and the context of translator. When writing a term paper the following methods were used: comparative and descriptive statistics. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research works were Ukrainian, Russian and foreign linguists on applied linguistics, in particular with regard to the translation of poetic texts. Practical significance of the work is the opportunity to consider the results of the study as a fragmentary part of comprehensive study of the features of translation of stylistic figures in poetry. The structure of work. The work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusions and references.
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