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Перекладацькі трансформації в романі «Мартін Іден» Джека Лондона в українському перекладі М. Рябової (ID:1135084)

Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 33
Рік виконання: 2023
Вартість: 1500
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INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................3 CHAPTER І. THE ROLE OF TRANSLATION TRANSFORMATION IN LITERARY TRANSLATION..............................................................................6 1.1. Notion of transformation in the Field of Translation Studies.............6 1. 2. Challenges of preserving semantic features of the source text on the lexical level and types of transformations dealing with them...............................8 1.3. Grammatical transformations in translation and the reasons for employing them..................................................................................................13 CHAPTER II. TRANSLATION TRANSFORMATIONS OF JACK LONDON "MARTIN EDEN" UKRAINIAN TRANSLATION BY M. RIABOVA.........17 2.1. Martin Eden by Jack London (information about the novel, information about its translation into Ukrainian)……………………………17 2.2. Lexical transformations (analysis and examples of concretization, generalization, addition, omission, substitution of one part of speech by another one, transposition)……………………………………………………………22 2.3 Grammatical transformations (inner partitioning; outer partitioning; inner integration; outer integration; replacement; compensation)………….27 CONCLUSIONS...........................................................................................31 LIST OF REFERENCES...............................................................................34
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Our perception of a specific nation is shaped by our exposure to its culture. Of all artistic expressions, literature holds the greatest significance in this regard, as it contains profound cultural symbols that can broaden the reader's understanding of a culturally rich and diverse world. Only with the help of translation can we familiarize the reader with a foreign culture’s beliefs and values. Translation transformations affect many aspects of language, therefore their use in creating an adequate translation is an urgent task for translators. The translation of a literary text has always been a particular difficulty for translators due to the figurative nature of the narration of the source text, the need to take into account the author’s unique style, as well as the location and time of writing of the work. For those reasons multiple challenges arise in transmitting information in the target language, which can be solved with the help of transformations. Transformations are required in every translation due to the drastic difference between the Ukrainian and English languages. For our research we chose J. London’s work “Martin Eden”, since the level of education of the main character is reflected in the features of his speech using various lexical, grammatical and spelling means. The primary focus of this research paper is to investigate the main peculiarities of resorting to certain transformations by Maria Riabova in her translation. The object of research is the novel by American author Jack London under the title "Martin Eden" and its Ukrainian translation done by Maria Riabova in 2003. The subject of the paper is lexical and syntactic (or grammatical) translation transformations and peculiarities of their application in the Ukrainian translation of the novel "Martin Eden". The linguistic analysis consists of 15 examples, 15 of them are examined in detail in the second chapter of the course paper. Topicality of the paper lies in the statement, that the issue of rendering lexical, grammatical and syntactic difficulties of the source text into the target text by means of translation transformations is not studied sufficiently and encompasses a lot of unexplored aspects, notwithstanding the fact that the given matter is widespread in the translation studies. Therefore, every analysis of world literature samples can make a significant contribution to the sphere of translation studies and make given matter more comprehensible. Objective of the paper is defining the types of lexical and syntactic translation transformations in the literary translation, determining the reasons for resorting to certain types of transformations, assessing their helpfulness in practice and evaluating the level of adequacy of translation where they are applied. Methods used in the research involve a contrastive analysis of English literary text and its Ukrainian translation, method of vocabulary definitions and componential analysis. Novelty of the research lies in the fact that at present the topic of lexical and syntactic transformations is not developed enough and the analysis made on the basis of the novel "Martin Eden" can make an important contribution to the field of translation studies. Practical value of the research is determined by the fact that its results can be helpful in solving the practical issues related to the field of translating lexical and syntactic difficulties in literary texts. Furthermore, this course paper may be useful for students and teachers of the faculty of foreign languages, who are interested in the given area of translation studies. Structure and contents. The course paper consists of the introduction, two chapters of main body, conclusion and references. In the first chapter of the main body the major issues of translation of lexical and syntactical difficulties are indicated and the main types of translation transformations dealing with them are outlined. The second chapter entails the linguistic analysis of lexical and syntactic translation transformations encountered in the Ukrainian translation of the novel "Martin Eden" by Jack London. The number of core examples analyzed is 15 sentences. The conclusion presents the summary of all that what has been mentioned in the course work. The last item in the current research paper is the list of references where all the necessary information was taken from.