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Translation Peculiarities of Film Titles From English Into Ukrainian (ID:449159)

Тип роботи: бакалаврська
Сторінок: 60
Рік виконання: 2021
Вартість: 800
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CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF FILM TITLE TRANSLATION 6 1.1. Translational transformations in the process of translation of film titles 6 1.2. Peculiarities of film titles as an object of translation 15 1.3 Cultural adaptation of films in translation 24 Conclusion to chapter 1 27 CHAPTER 2. TRANSLATION OF FILM TITLES FROM ENGLISH INTO UKRAINIAN 28 2.1. Comparative analysis of film title translation 28 2.2. Complex cases of translating film names 37 2.3. The issue of the alignment between the film title and plot 44 Conclusion to chapter 2 47 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS 49 REFERENCES 51 APPENDIXES 56 Appendix A 57
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1.2. Peculiarities of film titles as an object of translation Film titles serve an educating function for the products of different brands, namely to attract the attention of potential consumers and arouse the desire to buy products – go to the cinema). The title of the film is still the most important identifying feature that attracts people's attention. Film titles that explain some of the essential elements of a film, whether the name of a place or a character, may become necessary to some viewers. The film is an audiovisual environment where viewers rely on and pay attention to the spoken language and assess the content itself [43, p. 18]. The title of the film is inextricably linked and correlated with the concept of the regular title. Although film names and titles have standard features, this does not mean that they are identical [20, p. 6]. According to the definition proposed by E. Knysh, "a film title is a statement that represents a situation modeled by a film" [20, p. 8]. Therefore, the title is the strongest position in the text; in our case, this title is the title of the film. The term used to designate our object "film mononyms" was proposed in a Russian thesis on the translation of film titles by E.V. Knysh. A film title, both in terms of features and functions, is in many ways similar to the title of a literary text. The title formulates a theme, a philosophical or social idea, serves as a tuning fork of the emotional mood, communicates the place and action, and demonstrates the most essential detail of the future narrative, sometimes, as it were, outlines the scale of what was written [20, p. 10]. Thus, the film title is a kind of title of a work of art, the study of which is undoubtedly connected with its status, functional specifics, the definition of its content, idea, and main idea, as well as with the problems of its understanding and interpretation, as the main connecting element of the entire informational structure of the film. By definition I.V. Arnold “the title is the strongest position in the text, such a title in our case is the title of the film. The title of the film focuses special attention on the potential viewer, “the information makes a particularly vivid impression and is well remembered”, since the imagination of the potential viewer is not at first burdened with any information about the film and is ready to perceive the concept, reality, topic proposed the author [15, p. 98]. A feature film is not only a cultural phenomenon that reflects the socio-cultural priorities of society, but also a way of forming a picture of the world both for an individual and for a linguacultural society as a whole. Often, it is films that are the main source and at the same time a means of creating an image of an “alien” culture. The most striking example is American films, with the help of which the Ukrainian audience creates a picture of the American way of life, the characteristics of interpersonal relations, traditions, culture, and value system [15, p. 176]. The main features of film titles are a special laconic form an iconic nature. Structurally, film mononyms are the names of word forms, as a rule, presented as nouns in the nominative case or phrases. You can also find film names, which structurally represent a simple one-part sentence or a simple impersonal one-part sentence. Film titles are a special category of proper nouns. Due to their purpose of attracting attention, film names are often stylistically expressively colored; they are bright, catchy, eye-catching, optimizing the further perception of the film [28, p. 37]. Film titles have similar features, attributes, and categories that are characteristic of the names of works of art; that is, they also have specific grammatical and functional-semantic features. Робота написана на англійській мові, та охоплює такі аспекти: а) поняття перекладацьких трансформацій, їх класифікації та визначення; б) основні особливості перекладу назв фільмів; в) культурний аспект у перекладі та його значення; г) дослідження назв фільмів та мульфільмів зроблено на основі визначення перекладацьких трансформацій за проф. Комісаровим; ґ) окремим пунктом виділено важливість узгодження сюжету при перекладі назв фільмів. + робота містить діаграми та таблицю з 150 назвами фільмів. + список літератури повністю оформлений за відповідними стандартами. + версії доступні як у форматі Word, так і у PDF. За окрему плату є можливість придбати повністю готову презентацію та доповідь до неї. Презентація складається з 15 слайдів, та містить картинки, гіфки та діаграму.