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Есе University data: use and cooperation with business (ID:651912)

Тип роботи: інше
Сторінок: 4
Рік виконання: 2022
Вартість: 100
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Зразок роботи
Digitization is an ongoing process of convergence of the real and virtual worlds. It leads to the development of both society and organizations, to which it opens up opportunities for innovation and the creation of new business models. Understood more narrowly, it deals with the digital form of data, its collection, structuring, processing and management. In the era of the electronic economy, digitization includes the adaptation and growth of the use of information technology by organizations. Information technology plays a service role in the enterprise, leading to increased efficiency in carrying out activities and achieving business strategy goals, and an innovative role - allowing the organization to grow. Research Data Management is a topic that has been discussed and has been gaining importance for many years. The basic premise for proper data management is the proper and effective use of public funds. Research funding institutions and organizations stress that funds allocated for research grants are largely wasted. Data, the results of research work, are not properly stored or shared. The results published in scientific journals are then impossible to verify, and the research that was completed with the project is impossible to reproduce, continue and use. Such a situation results, for example, in many research centers conducting again the same research that has already been conducted in the past, even if it did not yield the expected results in the past.