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Есе Vital communication aspects that a corporate finance manager in Austria should have (ID:651901)

Тип роботи: інше
Сторінок: 5
Рік виконання: 2022
Вартість: 120
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Зразок роботи
The role of the corporate finance manager is growing rapidly thanks to advanced technologies that have significantly reduced the amount of time spent on preparing financial reports. Nowadays, these employees analyze market trends, manage the company's loans, make decisions on dividend payments, liaise with the stock market if the company is listed on the stock exchange, evaluate financial performance in terms of return on investment, etc. Due to such a wide range of functions, the corporate finance manager becomes an extremely important person with whom you need to maintain constant contact, including foreign partners. In this case, the study of communication and cultural aspects of corporate finance is extremely relevant. In order to conduct a study of the main aspects of communication that a corporate finance manager in Austria should possess, it is necessary to focus primarily on the cultural aspect of the environment and the results of research on the portrait of corporate managers and behavioral patterns in these countries. Thus, according to the research of Girt Hofstede, a high level of individualism prevails among business circles in Austria. Managers, top management of companies and other business representatives primarily rely on their own strength in solving financial problems. Hofstede also characterizes the business climate in Austria as having a short power distance, which means that in this country managers quickly and promptly turn to government organizations to resolve various contradictions. This type is also found in Germany, the German-speaking part of Switzerland, Israel, the Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden), the United States, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Ireland, Australia, Canada or the Netherlands.