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The Oldest Universities (ID:727912)

Тип роботи: інше
Сторінок: 10
Рік виконання: 2022
Вартість: 300
Купити цю роботу
Презентація англійською мовою на 10 слайдів за планом: 1.University of Bologna 2.University of Paris. Sorbonne 3.University of Oxford 4. University of Salamanca 5. University of Cambridge
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Зразок роботи
Most of the first universities had several faculties. The content of education was determined by the program of seven liberal arts. Thus, at the faculty of arts, they mainly read Aristotle's works on logic, physics, ethics, and metaphysics, which were translated in the 12th century. from Arabic and Greek languages. Specialization increased. Thus, the University of Paris was famous for teaching theology and philosophy, the University of Oxford for teaching canon law, the universities of Spain were distinguished for teaching mathematics and natural sciences, the universities of Italy for teaching Roman law.