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Тип роботи: дипломна
Сторінок: 27
Рік виконання: 2016
Вартість: 250
Купити цю роботу
CONTENTS INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1. SLANG IN MODERN LINGUISTICS 1.1. Slang Definition 1.2. Difference Between Slang, Jargon and Argot 1.3. Types of Slang 1.3.1. Teenage Slang 1.3.2. Cockney Rhyming Slang 1.3.3. Internet Slang 1.4. Morphological and Grammatical Properties of Slang 1.4.1. Compounding of Slang Words 1.4.2. Affixation of Slang Words 1.4.3. Functional Shift of Slang Words 1.4.4. Shortening – Acronyms, Clipping, Blending of Slang Words CHAPTER 2. SLANG IN COMICS 2.1. Comics as a Genre 2.2. Slang in Cartoons CONCLUSIONS РЕЗЮМЕ BIBLIOGRAPHY ILLUSTRATION SOURCES
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Зразок роботи
euphemisms & metaphors • clapping for credit (name of easy class) • worshipping the porcelin goddess (vomit) • take happy Sam camping (said of a man, to have sex) • horizontal tango • Metaphorically relaxation is cool and drunkenness is warm or involving cooking. Consider terms like chill out, heated, fried, cool down sound symbolism • gak (Lemonjuice and water drink the Cal band drinks during break) • zerbert (to blow on one's stomach with the lips to make a funny noise) Using old words in new ways semantic changes (new meaning): • fresh ‘novel, good’ • bad = ‘good,’ badass, kickass = ‘very good’ (opposites) • thick ‘curvy’ changing part of speech: • He's so adonis! • He's a burn out (from burned out) • grub (on) v. < n. (I was grubbin on some pizza) puns: • Babylon (or [beybilan]) – ‘place where babes (pretty women) come from’ • brewhaha ‘can of beer’ (short forms = brewha, haha, ha) < brouhaha, 'uproar' Allusions, e.g. to movie/comic strip characters: • Magoo -- person driving car slowly • McFly -- person with no intelligence