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The Problem of Power in George Orwell's Novel “1984” (ID:315499)

Тип роботи: інше
Сторінок: 2
Рік виконання: 2020
Вартість: 200
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Есе англійською мовою про проблематику влади в романі "1984" Унікальність за Advego Plagiatus - 97%
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Уривок! ... The extremely tumultuous first half of the last century was filled with revolutions, the activities of totalitarian regimes, two world wars, rapid scientific and technological progress and the creation of the atomic bomb. All this could not but be reflected in the literature. Accordingly, the appearance of the novel “1948”, the most popular work of British writer George Orwell, and the most famous dystopian novel, written in the twentieth century, which was completed in 1948 and first published in 1949, is quite natural...