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Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 39
Рік виконання: 2024
Вартість: 400
Купити цю роботу
INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL APPROACH TO TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS 7 1.1 Overview of transnational corporations 7 1.2 Role and impact of transnational corporations in the global economy 20 1.3 Significance of innovations for transnational corporations 28 CHAPTER 2. ANALYTICAL APPROACH TO INNOVATIONS OF TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS 37 2.1 Strategies for implementing innovations in transnational corporations 37 2.2 Impact of innovations on the competitiveness of transnational corporations 2.3 Obstacles and challenges of innovation development in transnational corporations CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES APPENDICES
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Actuality of theme. In today's dynamic world, innovation is becoming the cornerstone of success for companies, whether national or international corporations. The ability to adapt to constantly changing market requirements, to develop new products and services, and to effectively use advanced technologies are becoming determining factors in modern business. In this context, the issue of innovation within enterprises is attracting more and more attention and interests both researchers and practitioners. Regardless of whether the company is national or international, it faces the challenges of rapid technological development, changes in consumer preferences and increased competition. In this context, innovation acts as a driving force capable of providing competitive advantage and sustainable development. However, approaches to innovation in domestic and international companies can differ significantly, determining their ability to adapt to the unique challenges and opportunities offered by different markets and contexts. Changes in the economy, society and technology are creating new challenges and opportunities for businesses of all sizes and ownership. National companies, interacting with internal and external factors, feel the need for constant innovation to maintain competitiveness and survive in the market. Consumers are rapidly changing their demands and expectations, so companies must be ready to adapt to new trends and innovate quickly to meet market demand. In particular, international companies face additional challenges related to the diversity of cultures, laws and economic environments of different countries. For them, innovation is not only a means of survival, but also a key element for successful business at the global level. The search for innovative solutions allows international companies to identify and exploit new markets, solve complex problems and create stable partnerships.
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