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Тип роботи: стаття
Сторінок: 8
Рік виконання: 2021
Вартість: 500
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Abstract. In the current context export crediting, insurance and guarantee of export credits as state stimulation financial methods of export production have become an organic part of the states` foreign trade policy realization mechanism. Providing state guarantees for an export credit is in many cases a primary condition for obtaining it. Therefore, the importance of state insurance in foreign trade is constantly growing, which, in turn, increases the reliability and efficiency of export operations. Export credit agencies are a highly effective institutional mechanism of state promoting policy. The main advantages and disadvantages of export credit agencies are analyzed. Models of export financing are offered and the cost with the involvement of the export credit agency is indicated. Taking into account foreign experience, the main factors hindering the process of forming an effective system of state financial support for exports are identified and the feasibility of creating a specialized institution to support export activities in Ukraine is justified. After all, with the development of market relations and integration into the European economic space, characterized by the intensity of foreign trade, which is manifested in increasing the number and volume of export and import operations, there is a need to identify and study new economic mechanisms of financial support. Keywords: export credit agencies, banking credit, export credit, state trade policy, export stimulation, promoting policy.
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State lending to exporters is a mechanism for regulating foreign trade, which provides financial incentives for the development of exports of domestic producers. Such a mechanism of state encouragement of export production and export under modern conditions has become an organic part of the mechanism of state foreign trade policy implementation. An important place in lending to exporters belongs to direct government lending to international trade transactions, as well as various means of supporting private lending. Given the trends in world trade, methods of stimulating exports do not remain unchanged and are constantly improving, focusing on market self-regulation. The peculiarity of the formation of the modern export promotion policy is that it involves the simultaneous use of measures aimed at encouraging the development of exports at all stages. Within export financing, the most common practice is to provide export credits, often through government or semi-government organizations, as well as through guarantees and sureties from governments. Export credits are often seen as a hidden export subsidy aimed at financially stimulating the exports of domestic producers.