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Тип роботи: стаття
Сторінок: 13
Рік виконання: 2020
Вартість: 800
Купити цю роботу
In this scientific work, the main aspects of the organic production export crediting are investigated. As export crediting today is an extremely relevant and important issue in Ukraine, there is a wide base of research in this area. However, despite the number of developments, today there is no established mechanism for the organic production export crediting. Nowadays, the export of organic production in Ukraine is actively evolving, so it needs additional financial support for growth. One of the tools to support the export of organic products is lending. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to analyze the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of lending for organic exports. The current state of the export of organic products in Ukraine has been studied. The regional distribution of organic production export is determined. The main ways of export crediting are also investigated. The existing experience of crediting the export of organic production in Ukraine and the world is analyzed. In particular, one of the main tools for organic product export crediting has been identified. The problems faced by the producer of Ukrainian organic products are identified and ways to solve them are suggested. Prospects for the development of organic product export crediting in Ukraine are considered. Thus, the study presents recommendations that can be immediately used for practical implementation as a tool for organic product export crediting.
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Зразок роботи
The world market for organic products began to develop at the end of the last century. In Ukraine, the production of organic products is undergoing a period of formation, and a significant positive shift, which makes it possible to activate the market of organic products, is the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On production and circulation of organic agricultural products and raw materials."[1] It should be noted that the development of organic agriculture is a topical and at the same time controversial issue for the functioning of agricultural enterprises under competitive conditions. Organic farming as a holistic management system combines best practices in terms of environmental protection, biodiversity, conservation of natural resources, application of high standards of proper animal husbandry and production methods that meet certain requirements for products made using substances and processes of natural origin. In the scientific community, there are many interpretations of the concept of "organic farming". Considering the position of E. Milovanov, we may see that he defines organic agriculture as an agricultural system that contributes to the preservation of the environment, socially and economically supports the production of healthy food. This type of farming avoids the use of chemically synthesized fertilizers, pesticides, veterinary drugs, while actively using natural products to increase the natural fertility of soils, the resistance of plants and animals to disease [2]. As noted by O. Khodakivska, the first certified farms were created on the initiative of foreign companies, which covered the costs associated with land certification and exported the products grown abroad in the form of raw materials. With the direct support of foreign organizations, the main "players" in the market of domestic organic products have been created [3]. Y. Lupenko in his study notes that the formation of the market for organic products in Ukraine is influenced by internal and external factors. Internal factors cause an increase in demand for safe and healthy food with increasing living standards. External factors are caused by the dynamic growth of the world market of organic products and the interest of the international community in Ukraine as a potentially powerful producer of such products. Given the world experience of Y. Lupenko identifies 4 stages of the formation and development of the market of organic products (Table 1) [4].