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International environmental cooperation. How to solve collective goods problem? (ID:845196)

Тип роботи: реферат
Сторінок: 10
Рік виконання: 2021
Вартість: 800
Купити цю роботу
1. Collective goods problem 2. How states cooperate? 3. Cooperation for environment 4. How to solve collective goods problem
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Зразок роботи
Most of the things that we produce and consume call goods. At the heart of existing problem with goods lay rivalry and excludability . Rivalry means that while one person consume goods, another person doesn’t have ability to consume same goods at the same time. Usually those goods are extremely valuable, so there is no another choice but to fight for them. After it follows excludability, it means a possibility to prevent using of good from someone who hasn’t paid for it . It’s not always possible, because you can’t prohibit someone to use air. When it comes to economy, rivalry and excludability are more flexible. For example, we have rival and excludable goods, our private goods, everything that we buy is our private good, but it doesn’t mean that no one can buy the same thing at the same time. If I’m using this thing, doesn’t mean no one uses that thing at the same time with me. It also almost impossible to prevent using of this thing by someone who hasn’t pay for it, but it is possible to enjoy same things without paying for everyone. It calls public goods and usually the state cares about them .