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“One Belt - One Road” initiative, creating domination in global trade. (ID:845198)

Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 15
Рік виконання: 2021
Вартість: 1800
Купити цю роботу
1. The beginning of the initiative “One Belt – One Road” 2. Actions and critique of OBOR pt.1 3. Actions and critique of OBOR pt.2. 4. Summing up.
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Зразок роботи
Learning about Chinese “One Belt – One Road” (OBOR) initiative it should be understood where it began, how the idea to create a road from China to Europe was born. Formally OBOR was a new infrastructure project based on the traditional “Silk Road”. In the new interpretation, it focused only on the economy, but Chinese continued to insist on past political connections too. In other words, China believed that they can restore very old ties with the world. Original “Silk Road” wasn’t one project, there were hundreds of roads that connected Asia and Europe and they didn’t start in China. Many of those roads were from Central Asia or Persia. And it hasn’t called like that, the term Silk Road was introduced in 19 century by Germans. West-east trade did develop but it didn’t call “Silk Road”, despite that Beijing continues to argue that this is a part of Chinese tradition and history .