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Forecasting the possible future for the country and international business opportunities in China (ID:961941)

Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 30
Рік виконання: 2020
Вартість: 1100
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CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1. CHINA ECONOICS CHARACTERISTICS 5 1.1. The Chinese model of development 5 1.2. Factors, resources and drivers of Chinese development 7 CHAPTER 2. ANALYSIS OF CHINA'S BUSINESS MODEL 13 2.1. Key business processes in China 13 2.2. Problems of the country's business model 17 CHAPTER 3. FORECAST FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHINA`S ECONOMICS 19 3.1. Limits of economic development 19 3.2. Prospects for economic development 22 CONCLUSION 28 REFERENCES 29
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INTRODUCTION Every year, the number of references to China in the media and on the Internet increases, which indirectly indicates the growing role of this country in the world. The prolonged economic crisis has undoubtedly increased this role, while at the same time exposing the weaknesses of the United States and European countries. China's achievements are admired by some, feared by others, and the Chinese phenomenon is used to reinforce a wide variety of ideas and concepts. Writing about China dispassionately has become quite difficult. Not surprisingly, many scenarios for China's future development are diverse and mutually exclusive. The positive outlook for China is based on the fact that the high growth rates of its economy will last for a long time, as a result of which in the near future it will overtake the United States, solve its main problems and become the leader of the modern world. Under this forecast it is possible to allocate an apologetic variant of absolute admiration that predicts in the near future the advent of the age of China, and the alarmist who fears the power of this country and the fact that it crushes under the West. The mutual exclusion of forecasts is connected not only with the peculiarities of the perception of Chinese reality by different authors and insufficient information about internal processes in China, but also with very contradictory trends in its development. It is very difficult to determine which of these trends will win and how they will transform. There can be many variations. that is why, figuratively speaking, the Chinese card in the world deck remains a Joker and in different situations can turn into any card. The purpose of the course work is to show why China, even with all possible future successes, will not be able to take the place of the United States in the world. To reveal the topic of the work, we are assigned the following tasks: - to reveal the Chinese model of development; - to determine factors, resources and drivers of Chinese development; - to find out key business processes in China; - to conduct the study. - to determine problems of the country's business model; - to research limits of economic development; - to determine prospects for economic development. The object of the course work is the possible future for the China. The subject of the course work is a forecasting the possible future for the China. The structure of the work consist of the introduction, three chapters, conclusions anf list of references.