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Improvement strategy of international business: example of the company (ID:961951)

Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 30
Рік виконання: 2021
Вартість: 1000
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CONTENT INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………6 SECTION 1. THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL UPDATES OF STRATEGY RESEARCH IMPROVEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS………………………………………………………………………....8 1.1 Features of international business and its characteristics ……...…..8 1.2 Marketing strategies as the main components of international business development ………………………………………………………….. 10 SECTION 2. PRACTICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF RESEARCH OF THE STRATEGY FOR IMPROVEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS…………………………………………….………………………….13 2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of an international company " Toyota " ……………………………………………………………..13 2.2 Analysis of the effectiveness of international business by the company ………………………………………………………………………...15 SECTION 3. WAYS TO IMPROVE THE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STRATEGY ……………………………………………………………………..22 3.1 The main stages of implementation of measures to improve the strategy of international business for the company…………………………..…...………………………………………….22 CONCLUSIONS …………………………………………………………………24 REFERENCES……………………………………………………………………27
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INTRODUCTION Actuality of theme. Management, as a managerial activity, is inherent in enterprises operating in a market environment. The need for management arises from the need to coordinate the activities of more or less people, each of whom performs a specific job. To do this, the company always needs to use a limited number of resources (material, financial, human, information). And management is the link that ensures the efficient use of these resources. The main defining features that characterize the features of international management are the internationalization and globalization of business. Under the influence of globalization processes, international business at the present stage of development of the international economy has become a comprehensive phenomenon of modern civilization. International business is based on the possibility of benefiting from interstate business transactions, ie the fact of selling goods in another country or establishing a company in one country of production in another country, or providing services together. two third countries. more benefits than they would have if they did business in their home countries. In Ukraine, the research of international marketing activities of enterprises are engaged in OL Kanishchenko, TM Tsygankova and others. Studies have shown that in the practical application of the concept of international marketing, Ukrainian companies are significantly inferior to international companies in the domestic market The purpose of the course work research and characterize the strategy of improving international business. In accordance with this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks: - Investigate the features of international business and its characteristics; - Consider marketing strategies as the main components of international business development; - Describe the organizational and economic characteristics of the international company "Toyota"; - To analyze the effectiveness of the company's international business; - Identify the main stages of implementation of measures to improve the strategy of international business for the company. Object of study - Toyota. Subject of study- strategy for improving international business. The information base for the course work is scientific literature; textbooks and manuals, Internet resource and more. Research methods. The following research methods were used in writing the work: abstract-logical (theoretical generalizations and conclusions), graphic (visual representation of theoretical and practical foundations of the study), the method of logical generalization. The theoretical significance of the results obtained is the use of research results for junior students of the faculty, writing articles, abstracts and coursework based on research. The practical significance of the obtained results of the work lies in the study of the current state of the preconditions for the formation of international business strategies for Ukrainian enterprises. The structure of the course work consists of three sections, as well as an introduction, conclusions and a list of sources used. The total amount of work is 30 pages of computer text