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Статистичне вивчення виробництва продукції тваринництва (ID:307518)

Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 55
Рік виконання: 2017
Вартість: 200
Купити цю роботу
Plan Introduction I. Subject, tasks and system of indexes of livestock statistics. 1.1. Subject and tasks of livestock statistics in modern agricultural production. 1.2. The system of livestock statistics indicators and methods of their calculation. II. Statistical estimation of indexes of production of milk. 2.1. Distributing rows and graphic image of them. 2.2. Summarizing the indexes of distributing rows. 2.3 . Selective method. III. Correlation analysis of the efficiency of milk production. 3.1. Analysis of multiple correlation. 3.2. Analysis of rank correlation. Conclusions List of literature
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Зразок роботи
INTRODUCTION The agricultural sector of Ukraine is an important component of the national economy, which plays a special role in ensuring food security of the state. As a result of indigenous socio-economic transformation regarding the forms of ownership of land and property relations in the village formed a mixed economic system, strengthening market infrastructure, develop and implement new methods of production and management in agricultural formations. However, the reform of agricultural production is not accompanied by a stable increase of efficiency of activity of agricultural producers, and, on the contrary, there are significant variations depending on adverse environmental conditions, and availability of basic and working capital, and the like. Animal husbandry is one of the main branches of agricultural production, which is engaged in the breeding of livestock, poultry and other animals. It provides the population with quality food, whose share in the human diet is approximately 35% of total calories and more than 60% of protein needs. In addition, this industry is a source of industrial and medicinal raw materials. In the successful development of livestock plays an important role statistics that should be comprehensively and objectively reflect the status and development of the industry. Statistics examines the state and development of livestock by types of farms, the administrative and economic areas, agricultural zones and subzones. As well as for production types of farms. Activity of heads and specialists of livestock industries and units related to the collection, development and analysis of statistical data. To efficiently manage the production, it is necessary to have information on labour and industrial resources of livestock farms and complexes, information about the production processes and the achieved results, as well as to know the methods of development and analysis of information. The purpose of this course project is to establish relationships and dependencies between the price of 1 centner of milk production, of the offspring on 100 cows and of cows productivity.