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Статистичне вивчення виробництва продукції рослинництва (рапс) (ID:307519)

Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 53
Рік виконання: 2017
Вартість: 200
Купити цю роботу
Plan Introduction I. Subject, tasks and system of indexes of statistics of crop. 1.1. Subject and tasks of statistics of crop in modern agricultural production. 1.2. The system of statistical crops indicators and methods of their calculation. II. Statistical estimation of indexes of production of rapeseed. 2.1. Distributing rows and graphic image of them. 2.2. Summarizing the indexes of distributing rows. 2.3 . Selective method. III. Correlation analysis of the efficiency of Rapeseed production. 3.1. Analysis of multiple correlation. 3.2. Analysis of rank correlation. Conclusions List of literature
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Зразок роботи
INTRODUCTION Rape over the last decade has strengthened its competitive position in the global market of oilseeds, significantly increased gross harvest of seeds and expanded markets, market prices for seeds and products of its processing has reached a high enough level.The acreage of rapeseed in the world is 24 million hectares with an average yield of 13-15 t/ha. Rapeseed is the second in Ukraine oilseed crop by area sown and gross production. It is second only to the sunflower. Under the cultivation of culture depending on the year used in almost 1-2% of arable land. Growing culture employs over 3 thousand agricultural enterprises. The gross yield of rapeseeds in the country was a record in 2014 and amounted to 2.87 million tonnes, which is almost three times exceeded indicators of the previous year. As a result of lower acreage and poor overwintering of winter canola in 2015 and 2016 under culture were employed, respectively 1013,6 and 913,3 thousand hectares. (in particular, 799,38 thousand hectares of winter rape and 107,17 thousand hectares of spring). Due to the fact that the result of agriculture is influenced by many factors supervisor or specialist agricultural enterprise shall promptly detect and correctly analyze statistical information about the dependence of the result of factors. The purpose of this course project is to establish relationships and dependencies yield of maize, from introduce fertilizers and part of profiled sowing. Quantitative mapping relationship through performance is a challenge course project.