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Статистичне вивчення виробництва молока (ID:832532)

Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 46
Рік виконання: 2020
Вартість: 1600
Купити цю роботу
PLAN INTRODUCTION CHAPTER І. Subject, tasks and system of indexes of statistics of milk production 1.1. Subject and tasks of statistics of milk production in modern agricultural production 1.2. The system of statistical study of milk indicators and methods of their calculation CHAPTER II. Statistical estimation of indexes of production of milk 2.1. Distributing rows and their graphic image 2.2. Summarizing the indexes of distributing rows 2.3 Statistical hypothesis about the correspondence of the empirical distribution on the basis of the theoretical normal distribution (Pearson test) CHAPTER III. Correlation analysis of the efficiency of flax straw production 3.1. Analysis of multiple correlation 3.2. Non-parametrical correlation CONCLUSIONS LITERATURE
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Зразок роботи
In Ukraine, complex socio-economic and political processes are underway that shape the conditions for the development of the domestic food industry, which is part of the global food market globally. Traditionally, Ukrainian manufacturers have high positions in this market. At the same time, having unconditional successes in the modernization of dairy production technology, improving its quality and expanding the range, the domestic dairy industry has not yet entered the sustainable development trajectory. The country is experiencing a decline in the level of dairy production, an increase in prices for dairy raw materials, insufficient level of interaction between producers of raw materials and producers of the final product. Solving these problems will ensure a proper level of development of the efficiency of dairy production, competitiveness of the dairy subcomplex enterprises of the agroindustrial complex of Ukraine in the domestic and foreign markets. Speaking about the structure of the market in geographical terms, it should be said that the basis of the dairy market in Ukraine is domestic products, although imports in recent years have been increasing. The reason for this situation is the high cost of domestic dairy raw materials and the final product itself, which creates conditions for profitable imports of Polish and Dutch dairy products, which at a price like Ukrainian, however, according to consumers, is of higher quality. In the process of adaptation of domestic dairy producers to the European technological norms of production and quality control of products, as well as the active penetration of products of European producers in the domestic market of Ukraine, the quality of dairy products as a whole increases, which also leads to an increase in prices. It should be noted that the problem of the dairy market in Ukraine is the decrease in the number of cows in Ukraine, which leads to a decrease in the volume of raw materials for the production of finished dairy products. The decrease in the number of cows is caused, first of all, by the reduction in the number of private farms, in principle, which is in turn caused by the active urbanization of the population and the low interest of the population in the production of milk, in the construction of farms of European level. Against this negative background, the dairy industry of Ukraine is still transforming. [1] The purpose of this course project is to establish relationships and dependencies of production of milk, planted area of crops fodder and fodders used for feeding per animal. Quantitative mapping and statistical calculations is the foundation of course work.