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The formation and development of the tax system of Ukraine (ID:353883)

Тип роботи: курсова
Сторінок: 33
Рік виконання: 2018
Вартість: 300
Купити цю роботу
ENTRY 4 1.Essence and theory of the tax system 5 1.1.The essence and principles of the tax system 5 1.2.Classification of taxes and fees 8 1.3.State tax policy 10 2. Tax burden analyses in Ukraine 14 2.1 Characteristics and dynamics of direct and indirect taxes 14 2.2 Income of taxes and fees to the budget of Ukraine 20 3. Ways of improvment of the tax system in Ukraine 24 3.1. Reforming the tax system 24 3.2. Modernization of the tax service 27 CONCLUSIONS 29 REFERENCES 32
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Зразок роботи
The tax system is a set of taxes, fees, other contributions to the budget and mandatory payments, acting in accordance with the procedure established by law. The tax system is one of the main levers regulating economic relations between producers and the state. This system should serve as a way out of the crisis and business activity. At all times, taxes have been a mandatory element of the financial system. They are the main lever of the formation of the revenue side of the budget. The absence of taxes paralyses the normal functioning of any state. The tax system requires a long and accurate analysis. It is this system, acting as the basis for the functioning of public spending, is an important component of economic development and by attracting investment in Ukraine. The activity of the tax system of our state is primarily closely related to the economic, political or any other situation. Therefore, we can say that the tax system of Ukraine is characterized by its level of development. Taxes are one of the most important elements of the development of society. They help to effectively implement public policies on social and economic development. The purpose of the course work is a detailed analysis of the modern tax system of Ukraine and determine the main ways and prospects of its reform. The task of the course work-to consider the essence of the tax system, to explore and analyze the development of the tax system of Ukraine. Find ways to improve and modernize the tax service. The relevance of the course work-the question of the development of tax policy today are the most relevant in the economic and social life of Ukraine. This is due to the new phenomena in the economy of Ukraine, its focus on the transition to market relations, where the management of economic processes requires the active use of financial instruments, which include taxes. Ukraine's tax policy should be aimed at broadening the tax base, the introduction of economic measures with the purpose of unshadowing of the Ukrainian economy and legalization of incomes of legal and physical entities.