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ЄУФІМБ, Варіант №1, Англійська мова, №1727 (ID:14399)

Тип роботи: контрольна
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 13
Рік виконання: 2007
Вартість: 50
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Завдання № 1 1) Choose the correct form of the verb to make: 2) Choose the correct form of the verb to discuss: Завдання № 2 Fill in the blanks with the articles where it is necessary: – We'd like to place order for 3 pumps. – What about the rest of order? – We would be able to deliver machine tool on your order. – We want to place order with your company. – Would you like to take look at our draft contract? – Yes, with pleasure. Завдання № 3 Form the comparative and the superlative degrees of the adjectives: Important reception Good year Clever to make Talented co autho Завдання № 4 Choose the correct form of the verbs. Translate the sentences: 1. I made the order by telephone as soon as I (get, shall get) the information. 2. I shall get the information, if I make the order. 3. We shall discuss the question when the boss will come. Завдання № 5 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb to be: a) have (been), b): – I have you ever been to London? – Yes, I have – I been on business in London last winter. – I been working there for about 2 weeks. Завдання № 6 Insert prepositions on, from, before, in, by, to, for, after, at where it is necessary: 1. I am in Ukraine. 2. Martin lives in a flat in Glasgow. 3. Ben is going for Kyiv after business. 4. Ann works from the BBC. 5. On weekends they invite a lot of friends to their house. Завдання № 7 Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets: Завдання № 8 Read the text "The Structure of a Foreign Trade Contract" (p. 94-97) and write down the translation of "Preamble", the 1-st clause "The Subject of the Contract" and the 13-th clause "Miscellaneous... . ( дивись підручник Ю^А.Гапон "Business English") Завдання № 9 Read the text "The Structure of a Foreign Trade Contract" (p. 94-97) and write down the answer to the question: (дивись підручник Ю.А.Гапон "Business English ") What document guarantees the quality of the merchandise? Завдання № 10 Choose from the right column the correct endings to complete the statements so that they would answer the content of the text "Shopping In the USA " (p. 106-109). ( дивись підручник ЮЛ.Гапон "Business English " ) Література
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