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ЄУФІМБ, Варіант №2, Англійська мова, №1730 (ID:14402)

Тип роботи: контрольна
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 12
Рік виконання: 2008
Вартість: 50
Купити цю роботу
Завдання № 1 a) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets (positive or negative form of Present Indefinite or Past Indefinite): b) Ask three questions to each sentence, the first one should require Yes or No answer, the other two should begin with the words in brackets: Завдання № 2 Rewrite the sentences inserting a, an, the or- (no article) in the gaps. Underline the articles. Завдання № 3 Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets about future events (plans, arrangements and predictions). Завдання № 4 Answer the following questions using Future Continuous with the verb in brackets (give the full answer): Завдання № 5 Choose the correct word from those in brackets. Завдання № 6 Choose the correct word from those in brackets. Завдання № 7 Write down the translation of part 1. "Find the telephone number you want" ("Business English" Ю.А.Гапон, p. 68, 69) of the text "Talking On the Telephone". Завдання № 8 Read the text "Talking On the Telephone" ("Business English" Ю.Л.Гапон, p. 68-70) and write down your answers to the question: 1. What is a pay telephone? 2. Where are telephone located? Завдання № 9 Read the text "Talking On the Telephone" very carefully and choose the correct variant(s) to complete the instruction (the instruction may have several wordings): To answer another call without hanging up on the first call, a) you try the call waiting service. b) you to make calls to certain phone number by dialing only two numbers. c) dial "0" and ask the operator to dial the code of the area you need. d) you would use the call forwarding service. e) be sure to tell your name, telephone number, the time you called, when to call you back, the information you want the person to know. f) you dial first the area code of the place you are calling. Література
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