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ЄУФІМБ, Варіант №12, Англійська мова, №1731 (ID:14403)

Тип роботи: контрольна
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 14
Рік виконання: 2008
Вартість: 50
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TASK 1 Form the plural of the following nouns Plane, ticket, train, airport, holiday, man, clerk, reservation, show, contract, price, factory, business, child, company, home, family, Ministry, manager, machine. TASK 2 Replace the underlined words with the proper pronouns: 1. My wife and I often go to the theatre on our days off. 2. Nick and Nina are colleagues. 3. Mr. Bell and his sons are in the reception-room. 4. The man is about fourty. 5. My friend is often in the office at 9. 6. Nancy doesn't meet customer in the office. 7. What matters has Voronin discussed lately? 8. Voronin and Mr. Blake have made an appointment for next week. 9. The model is not of high quality. 10. Our machines are of high quality. TASK 3 Choose the correct form of the verb to be (am, is, are) 1. Our students …….. already at the lesson at 9 o'clock in the morning. 2. How …. your wife? 3. They … happy to see them. 4. My daughter … at the nursery-school this week. 5. I .. sorry I don't speak English. TASK 4 Put the verbs in brackets into Present Continuous: 1. I (to operate) the computer. 2. John is a sales agent. He (to work) overtime now to save up for a car. 3. Where is Peter? He (to take) an interview. 4. Look, Jane (to watch) TV instead of doing her work. 5. Please, don't take this typewriter. Maggie (to repair) his car. 6. I can't write the letter now. I (to answer) the phone. 7. They (to wait) for you now. TASK 5 Choose the correct form of the verb to have (to have got): 1. Mary … a large family. 2. Jane … a lot of children. 3. They … their English in the morning. 4. She … a lot of work to do last week. 5. They … a dictation yesterday. TASK 6 Chose the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Put the sentences into interrogative and negative forms. 1. A month ago our company manager (to be) at the plant. 2. The delegation (to go through) customs from 6 to 7:30 p.m. 3. The secretary (to meet) the American delegation already. TASK 7 Read the text "Etiquette Today" ( Ю.А.Гапон "Business English", p. 38) and write down the translation of the first two passages. TASK 8 Read the part "Introducing People" of the text "Etiquette Today" (Ю.А.Гапон "Business English" p. 38) and write down your answer to the question: What is the secret of remembering names? TASK 9 You go to the USA on business. Please, rewrite and fill out points 2, 3 and 4 of "Visa application form" (see Ю.А.Гапон "Business English", page 52). TASK 10 Open the brackets and use the correct tense (Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Past Indefinite, Present Perfect). 1. Robert (to discus) this question with his friend yesterday. 2. I (to stay) at this hotel for a week. 3. Bill and Ben (to come) into the reception room now. 4. Mr. Brown often (to visit) Kiev on business. 5. Our delegation just (to arrive) in Chicago. 6. I (to go) to New York on business next Friday. 7. Five years ago he (to work) at this factory. 8. I (to translate) this article. Here is my translation. 9. At this moment Donald (to telephone) the reception-room. 10. He (to burn) his hand when he cooked dinner. LITERATURE
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