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ЄУФІМБ, Варіант №1, Англійська мова, №1733 (ID:14405)

Тип роботи: контрольна
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 13
Рік виконання: 2010
Вартість: 50
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Task № 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets (positive or negative form of Present Indefinite or Past Indefinite): 1. She ….. (not\want) to be a secretary all her life, so she ……. (decide) to take a course of computer design school. 2. The supermarket ……… (not\sell) high quality equipment any more. 3. The film wasn't very good. I …….. (not\enjoy) it very much. 4. I was very tired, so I …….. (go) to bed immediately after the 10 o'clock news. 5. Nobody ……... (tell) me about the meeting. I ……... (not\bring) any materials. b) Ask three questions to each sentence, the first one should require Yes or No answer, the other two should begin with the words in brackets: 1. They know everything about our plans. (Who …? What …?). 2. She rakes many telephone messages every day. (Who…? When….?). 3. I liked the idea very much. (Who …? How….?). 4. He repeated his question several times. (Who…? How many …..?). 5. We sent them our new catalogues. (Who…? What kind of ….?). Task № 2 Rewrite the sentences inserting a, an, the or- (no article) in the gaps. Underline the articles, 1. We are going on ……….. holiday in …… August. 2. ….. my sisters is …... boxer. – She can't be …… boxer. …... boxers are …. big and strong. They train for ….. five hours …….. day. Your sisters is …… smallest girl in town. 3. He plays …… basketball very, he's …. Best player in ….. team. 4. …… Americans are sending ….. spaceship to …. Moon ….… spaceship is almost ready. 5. …. shop is easy to find, it's near ….. tallest building in ….. New York. Task № 3 Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets about future events (plans, arrangements and predictions). 1. Would you like to go to the cinema on Saturday? – Sorry, I can't. I (will play\am playing) in a match. 2. Let's go for a picnic tomorrow. – Good idea. I ('ll make\'m making) some sandwiches. 3. Why do you need a ladder? – We (will pick\are going to pick) the apples. 4. Hurry. The train's about to go. – Quick, run. I ('ll carry\'m going to carry) the suitcase. 5. Look at those black clouds. – Yes, it ('s raining\'s going to rain) soon. 6. Don't go anywhere. The bus (will leave\is leaving) in five minutes. 7. I (will go\am going) and buy some. Task № 4 Answer the following questions using Future Continuous with the verb in brackets (give the full answer): 1. What will you be doing at four o'clock tomorrow? (pack for the trip). 2. What will you be doing at this time on Saturday? (fly to Paris) 3. What will you be doing from 7 to 9 p.m.? (do some shopping). 4. What will you be mother be doing at this time on Sunday? (visit the friends) 5. What subjects will the students be doing next semester? (microeconomics and some others). Task № 5 Choose the correct word from those in brackets. 1. Look at (this, these) photo. (This is, these are) our factory. And (that is, those are) the windows of our office. 2. Look here. Is (this, these) your file? – No, (this one, these ones) is yours. Mine is over (here, there). Look here. Is this your file? 3. Who's (that, those) in the picture? – (This, these) is our supplies manager, and (that, those) are our executives, Smith and Grant. Who's that in the picture? – This is our supplies manager, and those are our executives, Smith and Grant. 4. Yesterday we visited a new exhibition. (This, that) was wonderful. Yesterday we visited a new exhibition. That was wonderful. 5. Just a moment. I'll talk to (this, that) young man over there. Just a moment. I'll talk to that young man over there. Task № 6 Choose the correct word from those in brackets. Task № 7 Write down the translation of the first 16 lines of the text "Talking On the Telephone" ("Business English" Ю.А.Гапон, p. 68) Task № 8 Read the text "Talking On the Telephone" ("Business English" Ю.А.Гапон, p. 68-70) and write down your answers to the question: What numbers do the first and front pages of the telephone book list? Task № 9 Read the text "Talking On the Telephone" very carefully and choose the correct variant(s) to complete the instruction (the instruction may have several wordings): Література
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