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Training of engineering and pedagogical personnel in Ukraine (ID:195279)

Тип роботи: реферат
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 12
Рік виконання: 2017
Вартість: 100
Купити цю роботу
1. Formation of the system of engineering and pedagogical education and its development until the middle of XX century. 2. Training of engineering and pedagogical workers in the second half XX century 3. Engineering and pedagogical education in independent Ukraine
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Зразок роботи
The system of engineering and pedagogical education is a branch of pedagogy education, the purpose of which is training, retraining and raising qualifications of teachers for vocational and other types of training establishments providing vocational education or professional- technical training. The system of training engineers-educators in their development as an independent the education branch has passed the following stages: Nineteenth century. - 20th years of the twentieth century. - the appearance of the first educational institutions with training of teachers of vocational training; 20th years of the twentieth century. - the beginning of the 40's of the twentieth century. - network organization special educational institutions, attempts to combine them into the system; from 1943 to the end of the 1950's. - the opening of the industrial- pedagogical technical colleges as the middle level of the system of engineering and pedagogical education; the beginning of the 60s of the twentieth century. till 1979 - organization of engineering-pedagogical faculties, departments, departments in branch and polytechnic institutes for training of engineering and pedagogical personnel with higher education; expansion of the network of industrial and pedagogical technical schools; from 1979 to the beginning of 90-ies of XX century. – organization specialized engineering and pedagogical universities, expansion and strengthening of the network engineering and pedagogical faculties in higher educational institutions and industrial and pedagogical technical schools; since 1991 - the engineering-pedagogical education of Ukraine has come a long way independent development. For many centuries, training has been carried out exclusively in the production process. The skill was acquired in practice and passed from generation to generation. The emergence of the machine industry has led the emergence of the first vocational schools in which studied certain branches of knowledge, as well also the basics of production. On the territory of Ukraine, such schools appeared in the 18th Art. Subsequently, schools and schools are being replaced by craft schools the training of industrial workers. Mostly in these educational institutions teachers working in such schools or schools worked, some - only primary or domestic. As a rule, special pedagogical training they did not have At the beginning of the twentieth century. in vocational schools in Russia of different types worked only from 3.6 to 20% of teachers and from 3.4 to 14.3% masters who had higher education. But it was already clear at that time that from the teacher required not only technical or special knowledge, but also pedagogical abilities and skills. In the Soviet period of national history considerable attention was paid providing the national economy with workers, their training and upbringing Since Ukraine has been a part of the USSR for a long time, development the training of teachers of vocational schools is considered with taking into account these features.