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Английский (ID:221986)

Тип роботи: контрольна
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 5
Рік виконання: 2014
Вартість: 15
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4. Перевірити граматику й виконати завдання Study this summary before you do the exercise that follows. 1. Past simple. a) We use the Past Simple for a state in the past, in a period which is finished: - We lived there for ten years. (We don't live there now). b) We use the past simple for actions in the past, a period which is finished: - The producer made lots of films in his long career. (His career in films is over. He won't make any more). 2. Present perfect. a) We use the present perfect for a state which has gone on up to the present: - We've lived here for ten years. (And we still live here). b) We use the present perfect for actions in a period of time up to the present: - This young producer has made four films so far. (It is possible he will make more films). 3. Present perfect continuous. a) We use the present perfect continuous for an action over a period. - Tim has been repairing his bike. He's got oil on his hands. b) We normally use the continuous form with a phrase saying how long: - I've been writing letters since this morning. Put in the verbs in the proper tense form. 1) Our visitors....... They're sitting in the garden. 2) Susan.......... the television, but then it broke down again. 3) I............ my purse. I can't find it anywhere. 4) The match....... They're playing now. 5) Joanne......... away from home. But she came back two days later. 6) Tames ........ some money last week. But I'm afraid he's already spent it all. 7) We........... a tree in the garden. Unfortunately it's died. 8) Prices.......... up. Things are more expensive this week. 9) The Thorps...... a house for some time. They more than half of it now. 10)Since tea time Elaine ... sums in her exercise book. She fifty. a)arrive; f) earn; b)repair; g) plant; c)lose; h) go; d)start; i) build; e)run; j) do.
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2.Вивчити такі слова й підставити їх у речення to determine - to find out or establish precisely; to decide or settle; resolve to pull out of - to depart; to withdraw from an undertaking expansion - enlargement of the scale or scope of a business to shape - to give a certain shape or form to; to create; to influence to call for - to demand objective - something sought or aimed at market share - a part or division which a company has on the market corporate - forming a corporation; belonging to, or united in a group external - coming from the outside or an outside source sales revenue - income received in the result of exchange of a commodity facilities - opportunity or equipment for doing something trend - general direction and tendency growth rate - pace of movement or change of the size or value of the company's income to aim at - to attempt; to direct or point (a weapon) appropriate - suitable, proper 1)The project became so expensive that we had to… it .... . 2)The exam results could …… your career. 3)At our last meeting we've discussed the company's long-term financial…… . 4)His formal style of speaking was not….. to the occasion. 5)All companies producing computer software were astonished by the rapidly increasing…… of Microsoft. 6)Such company's activity can lead to the loss of 14% of … . 7)This uncertain situation ……. prompt actions. 8)Attitudes ……… by past experience helped her to avoid unnecessary arguments during their next meetings. 9)Our products set the ……. for others to follow. 10)We must…… to increase exports. 3. Дати відповідь на запитання 1) Why are the responsibilities of the top management of a company consid¬ered to be unique? 2) What kind of decisions can shape a company's future? 3) What can be the overall objective of a company? 4) What are external factors which might affect the company's present and future performance? 5) How can you characterize the SWOT analysis? What does it stand for? 6) Is it necessary to conduct the SWOT analysis? Why or why not? 7) What will be the next step in the firm's activities after it has completed the SWOT analysis? 1. Чому відповідальність вищого керівництва компанії вважається унікальною? 2. Який вид рішень може сформувати майбутнє компанії? 3. Що може бути повною метою компанії? 4. Які зовнішні чинники, можуть впливали на справжню і майбутню роботу компанії? 5. Як можете ви характеризувати SWOT аналіз? Що він характеризує? 6. Що є необхідною умовою, для проведення SWOT аналізу? Чому так або чому ні? 7. Що буде наступним кроком в діяльності фірми після того, як завершився SWOT аналіз?   4. Перевірити граматику й виконати завдання Study this summary before you do the exercise that follows. 1. Past simple. a) We use the Past Simple for a state in the past, in a period which is finished: - We lived there for ten years. (We don't live there now). b) We use the past simple for actions in the past, a period which is finished: - The producer made lots of films in his long career. (His career in films is over. He won't make any more). 2. Present perfect. a) We use the present perfect for a state which has gone on up to the present: - We've lived here for ten years. (And we still live here). b) We use the present perfect for actions in a period of time up to the present: - This young producer has made four films so far. (It is possible he will make more films). 3. Present perfect continuous. a) We use the present perfect continuous for an action over a period. - Tim has been repairing his bike. He's got oil on his hands. b) We normally use the continuous form with a phrase saying how long: - I've been writing letters since this morning. Put in the verbs in the proper tense form. 1) Our visitors They're sitting in the garden. 2) Susan the television, but then it broke down again. 3) I my purse. I can't find it anywhere. 4) The match They're playing now. 5) Joanne away from home. But she came back two days later. 6) Tames some money last week. But I'm afraid he's already spent it all. 7) We a tree in the garden. Unfortunately it's died. 8) Prices up. Things are more expensive this week. 9) The Thorps a house for some time. They more than half of it now. 10)Since tea time Elaine sums in her exercise book. She fifty. a)arrive; f) earn; b)repair; g) plant; c)lose; h) go; d)start; i) build; e)run; j) do.
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