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ТЕСТИ английский (ID:221989)

Тип роботи: інше
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 5
Рік виконання: 2016
Вартість: 20
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Зразок роботи
I … … over the phone when they brought me a letter. talked had talked was talking had been talking They were sitting…… in the room when the taxi arrived sat were sitting had been sitting had sat The musician …… ……. the piano for a whole hour when we came in. had been playing had played played was playing Alice closed the magazine and rose from the sofa on which she … …….. for more than two hours. lay was lying had been lying had lain He behaved as if nothing … …………….. had happened will happen has happened happens I …… … over the phone for a whole hour when the porter knocked at the door. talked had talked had been talking was talking I visited Brazil in April. I stayed……. at a nice hotel for a fortnight. had been staying had stayed was staying stayed She was breathing hard as if she … ………… . had been running has run was running were running She speaks to me as if she … …..me. had not known does not know did not know has not known His friend looked as if she too …… …………..a sleepless night. spend is spending had spent spends I am indifferent to him as if he ……… ……… a stranger. were had been are is I have a curious feeling as though your face …… ……. familiar to me. are is were had been Tomorrow I will go to Cardiff to attend a conference. Future Simple Future Simple Present Simple Present Continuous Past Simple I am staying at the Randolph Hotel at the moment. Present Continuous Present Simple Present Continuous Future Simple Past Simple He treated her as if she ………….no more than Roger’s mother. had been is was were I only met him this evening and yet I feel as if I …… him all my life. knew had known know has known The manager stares at him as though he …………a monster. are is were had been She looks at him with a smile as though she …………….a girl of seventeen. had been were is are On Monday I am going to visit a factory in Manchester. Future Simple Future Simple Present Simple Past Simple Present Continuous The musician …… ……. the piano for a whole hour when we came in. had been playing was playing played had played At the weekends I fly to Munich to see my relatives. Present Simple Future Simple Past Simple Present Simple Present Continuous I arrived here last Sunday after a long flight from Thailand. Past Simple Past Simple Present Simple Present Continuous Future Simple We …had been walking……….. along a forest road for an hour when we saw a house. had walked were walking walked had been walking A man …… ………… unconscious for a few minutes when an ambulance arrived. had being was had been has been I …………………. the hotel for a fortnight when I received your letter. was staying had stayed stayed had been staying