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The Effectiveness of E-Learning in Developing English Grammatical Skills of the First-Year Students (ID:273435)

Тип роботи: стаття
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 6
Рік виконання: 2017
Вартість: 200
Купити цю роботу
Knowledge of English is an important prerequisite for personal, cultural, professional and economic contacts. Growing needs for communication and cooperation between countries and people with different languages and cultural traditions, a new educational system in Ukraine requires significant changes in the approach to teaching, updating the content and methods of teaching foreign languages. Learning English includes several aspects. One such aspect is grammar. Grammar occupies an important place in the English proficiency , this is a kind of skeleton on which the lexis is based. The analysis of scientific literature showed that at the present stage of the development of the methodology of teaching English grammar at universities it is relevant to search for the optimal ways of learning the grammar of the English language and the organization of the educational process, rational options for the content of teaching and its structure as a whole. However, often the teaching of grammar is limited to dry tables, the learning of structures, the same type of exercises. A large number of terms makes learning difficult. The purpose of the article is to consider the concept of E-Learning, in the educational process and in particular its effectiveness in the formation of grammatical skills of first-year students.
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