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Національно-специфічні особливості комунікативної поведінки британців (ID:310289)

Тип роботи: курсова
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 25
Рік виконання: 2020
Вартість: 400
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Introduction..........................................................................................................................................2 Section I. The communicative behavior and the Mentality of the British…......................................4 1.1.General notion of Communicative Behavior………………….................………..............................….4 1.3.General and no coincident features of the cultural communicative behavior………………………………………………………………………..........................................................................…7 1.3.British Culture and Social norms……………….......................……………...............................………….. 8 1.4.The mentality of the British as a set of stereotypes................................................................11 Section II. Main characteristics of national specific peculiarities of communicative behavior of the British……………………………...…….............................................................................................................…16 2.1.Specific verbal and non-verbal characteristics of communicative behavior……………………………………………………….........................................…………................................…......16 2.2.The way of communication of British on the base of Jane Austen’s “Emma”.................................................................................................................................................19 Conclusion……………………………………………………………….........................................................................…….23 References…………………………………………………………........................................................................…………..24
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INTRODUCTION When the world becomes more globalized, communication across the world engage more and more in cross-cultural interaction. Different theories on culture suggest that one should be aware of the linguistic and cultural differences which can cause misunderstandings and miscommunication between two cultures. The aim of this thesis is to unveil some of the characteristics that are special for the British communication behavior as there seems to be several examples of miscommunication happening when engaging in cross-cultural interaction with the British. The problem statement in all its simplicity states: Why are the British so difficult to communicate with? The aim of scientific work is the identification and systematization of the linguistic features of the English mentality and its influence on national culture. To achieve this goal it is foreseen to perform the following tasks: • to demonstrate the main characteristics of the communicative behavior of the British; • to explore the concept mentality as a set of stereotypes; • to sum up the main components of the English mentality; • to differentiate the main national specific peculiarities of English Language on the base of the Jane Jane Austen’s “ Emma”. The object of study is the national specific peculiarities of the communicative behavior of the English. The subject is the linguistic means of its expression in the English language. The practical significance of scientific work: the research materials can be used during lessons of English and world literature in high school, in special courses,seminars on these subjects. The structure of the study. The research consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusions, list of references. The total amount of work is 25 pages.
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