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Pragmatics of gender stereotypes used in advertisements (ID:384965)

Тип роботи: курсова
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 32
Рік виконання: 2020
Вартість: 700
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CONTENT INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………3 CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL FEATURES OF GENDER STEREOTYPES IN ADVERTISEMENT………………………………………………………….6 1.1. The concept of gender and stereotypes…………………………………6 1.2. Stereotype views of men and women in the media…………………….10 1.3. The concept of advertising discourse…………………………………..13 CHAPTER 2. GENDER MASS MEDIA…………………………………16 2.1 Gender stereotyping in advertising………………………………………16 2.2 Advertising tools for constructing gender stereotyped images………….20 2.3. Pragmatics of gender stereotypes in media………………………….….22 CONCLUSIONS……………………………………………………………27 REFERENCES………………………………………………………………29
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INTRODUCTION To denote new strategies for global regulation of social relations in the social sciences, the term "gender" emerged, gender studies were subsequently launched, which aimed to analyze relationships between women and men, to find out their characteristics through common and different, to study the roles of articles, constructs of femininity. and masculinity, etc. Gender research is a field of scientific activity and its social organization, aimed at studying the place, role, activity, will and self-realization of men and women in the changing historical conditions of social life of a certain era. The result of gender studies as a separate scientific area in the activity of a wide range of scholars from different fields of knowledge was the creation of modern gender theory. Modern gender theory is a system of scientific views on the relationship and status of women and men, their social life and life experiences, the acquisition and realization of their socio-role characteristics and characteristics. The lack of attention of this theory is focused on the theoretical analysis of imbalance, imbalance of the position of woman and man and their opportunities and chances in self-creation, self-affirmation and self-development. Against this background, the concept of gender inequality arises, based on gender stereotypes - simplified, unambiguous, schematic perceptions of "men" and "women" formed in a particular culture. All the "inventory" of gender stereotypes can be traced in various communication systems, among which the special place is taken by advertising - the media industry with the most stereotypical gender images. Advertising has become a part of public opinion that influences a person's consciousness in the same way as his or her home, school, etc. Recognizing the importance of the media in developed democracies, many states initiate and systematically monitor gender media in order to trace different aspects of symmetry or asymmetry in real or conditional figures. However, the study of gender relations in various aspects of life has begun relatively recently, and since the 1990s. Women's feminist organizations have shown an interest in women's issues, for the first time expressing the view that women's images in Ukrainian media are not consistent with reality. The theoretical bases of our study are the studies of V. Ageeva, I. Bulicheva, N. Gubanova, K. Kostikova, O. Strelnik, T. Bendas, Sh. Berne, where general concepts of gender are presented, in particular problems of gender inequality, gender psychology, attention is paid to sources of formation of gender norms and social roles. Related are the works devoted to the study of the phenomenon of advertising activity, in particular the exploration of such researchers as L. Khromov, Yu. Bernadskaya , A. Bove, E. Mezentsev, V. Tsenov, I. Rezepov, which focuses on cross-cultural analysis of advertising products and means of influence of advertising on the basis of different communication models. In spite of the numerous works on gender, special intelligence needs a question related to the study of television advertising as a source of gender inequality. The relevance of the study is due to the lack of theoretical and practical interpretation of the topic and the lack of practical recommendations for balanced representation of gender images, the avoidance of stereotypical units that contribute to the establishment of gender inequality in society. The purpose of this work is to research television advertising products in terms of constructing and producing gender stereotypes. The realization of the goal requires the following tasks: find out the semantics of the main gender categories; to investigate the phenomenon of gender inequality and to identify the most optimal interpretation of it within the media; to find out what gender stereotypes exist in society and to explore how they are implemented in advertising; to classify the typical gender images represented by advertising; determine the means of constructing promotional stereotyped images. The object of the study is gender inequality in the media context. The subject of the study - male and female images in contemporary television advertising from a gender perspective. Research methods. Generalization and comparison methods were used during the writing of the paper. The first of these is used to derive a generalized classification of gender stereotypes in advertising. The comparison revealed significant differences in the positioning of male and female images. A new approach to research has been activated in the work due to the content-analysis method, which provides an opportunity to determine the intentions of the communicator and to detect the effects of the impact of the advertising message. The scientific novelty of the study is to attempt a generalized analysis of television advertising products from a gender perspective, as well as to create a classification of typical male images presented by advertising. The practical value of the work done is, first and foremost, that its substantiated provisions and the results obtained can be applied in the development of promotional products to improve their content content in terms of gender inequality. The structure of the study has the following components: introduction, two sections, conclusions to sections, general conclusions, a list of sources used.