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What makes a good leader? (ID:480993)

Тип роботи: стаття
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 7
Рік виконання: 2021
Вартість: 120
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Over the decades, many companies could not compete with global competition. Among the ones that did succeed, most could not sustain their position in the market. Leaders like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and Warren Buffet, with their vision, unshakable determination, and persistent hard work, led their respective companies to great heights. With their belief and strong leadership qualities, they gave a new dimension to the world of business. What is Leadership? According to John Maxwell, 'Leadership is influence - nothing more, nothing less.' Warren Bennis called it the capacity to translate vision into reality. Being a good leader is not a cakewalk. One must possess effective leadership qualities that help them achieve higher goals and objectives. Be it resistance and persistence of Mahatma Gandhi or the vision of Elon Musk. The certain qualities a person possesses can potentially determine what kind of leader they will be. I believe that a good leader possesses the qualities of dependability, integrity and perseverance. Without these qualities, I don’t see how any person can lead and direct a group, or in this case, a whole nation. One of the single most important aspects of a good leader is dependability. To be a leader means you have a lot of responsibilities, so people have to depend on you to take care these responsibilities. Sometimes, being a leader comes with hard decisions, but it’s your responsibility to make those decisions. If people can depend on you to get them through not only the good times, but the hard ones too, then you have the making of a great leader. Another important quality of being a great leader is integrity. The possession of firm principals ensures that you will make the most responsible decisions and do what you truly think is best. Having integrity means a person is honest, trustworthy, reliable, loyal and honorable. To be a leader you must possess these certain characteristics so that you are able to lead fairly and justly. Without integrity and a good set of core values, how can we be able to trust our leaders. The last, but not least, essential quality of a good leader is perseverance. With determination and perseverance, we can know that our leader will keep focused and get us through difficult times. To be determined is one of the most important aspects of a leader so perseverance to do your best and lead the people in the right direction is crucial. Without motivation, a leader can fold under the pressures of the job and let down the people. Perseverance ensures that the job done and the people will be led properly. 1. Integrity is a core quality that every leader must possess. You cannot run any business successfully if you lack integrity. Self-development author Brian Tracy says that whenever he holds a strategic business meeting, the first value every executive agrees on is integrity. Business leaders know- Integrity is the foundation of good leadership, and one must stand for their beliefs. No matter how hard a situation, a good leader inspires with his principles without compromising; they refrain from making false promises or take shortcuts, choosing thoughts and action over personal gain. Delivering the said promises as ethically and morally grounded is necessary to pay the dividend in the long run. 2. An innovative leader is not a creative genius with thought-provoking ideas but gives others the freedom to develop their ideas. You would always find people with great ideas who lack the will, determination, and fear of taking any actions. But innovative leaders are not one of them. Innovative people are always open to new ideas and discussions. They listen to everyone actively and also motivate others to think out of the box. This quality gives them an edge over others since they are always hunting for creativity and innovations. As the innovative leader, Steve Jobs himself said, 'Innovations distinguish between a leader and a follower.' 3. Honesty is expected from leaders to garner trust and respect from people for reliability. Moreover, we look upto people who are loyal to their words and are accountable. Thus, honesty is the most valued trait for any business leader or any leader in general. Leadership can be defined in one word 'Honesty'. You must be honest with the players and honest with yourself. ~Earl Weaver 4. Active Listening is an excellent quality to have when it comes to leadership. Good leaders listen to people with great attention and sincerity. It helps them understand people and their perspectives. Active listening builds trust and relationships in the long run. Good leaders communicate with care, focus on the person and the message; they don't interrupt and acknowledge what is being said. And that is what the world needs; leaders who listen to its people. Acquiring this skill is not easy; it needs self-awareness and humility to respect others’ thoughts. 5. Self-confidence is found abundantly amidst true leaders; hence they know about their competencies and leadership qualities. They are sure about their competencies and leadership skills. They have a sense of self-assurance and self-esteem and, most importantly, believe that they can make a difference. As Rosalynn Carter rightly said, ‘You have to have confidence in your ability and be tough enough to follow through.’ 6. A visionary leader is far-sighted and driven and inspired by what a company can become. Visionary leaders work hard for the greater good and keep themselves updated with time and change. Ensuring a vision for the future with perseverance and keeping everybody invested in the process is what a visionary leader does. 7. Excellent communication is the key to good leadership. An effective leader knows how to put across his message. They are good orators and communicate to get his/her work done. They are not harsh; they choose words and expressions which suit the situation and allow others to express their thoughts and ideas. They understand how important it is to have good communication skills.. They are very conscious and learn from others’ behaviors, which gives them a deep understanding of human complexities.
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Over the decades, many companies could not compete with global competition. Among the ones that did succeed, most could not sustain their position in the market. Leaders like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and Warren Buffet, with their vision, unshakable determination, and persistent hard work, led their respective companies to great heights. With their belief and strong leadership qualities, they gave a new dimension to the world of business. What is Leadership? According to John Maxwell, 'Leadership is influence - nothing more, nothing less.' Warren Bennis called it the capacity to translate vision into reality. Being a good leader is not a cakewalk. One must possess effective leadership qualities that help them achieve higher goals and objectives. Be it resistance and persistence of Mahatma Gandhi or the vision of Elon Musk. The certain qualities a person possesses can potentially determine what kind of leader they will be. I believe that a good leader possesses the qualities of dependability, integrity and perseverance. Without these qualities, I don’t see how any person can lead and direct a group, or in this case, a whole nation. One of the single most important aspects of a good leader is dependability. To be a leader means you have a lot of responsibilities, so people have to depend on you to take care these responsibilities. Sometimes, being a leader comes with hard decisions, but it’s your responsibility to make those decisions. If people can depend on you to get them through not only the good times, but the hard ones too, then you have the making of a great leader. Another important quality of being a great leader is integrity. The possession of firm principals ensures that you will make the most responsible decisions and do what you truly think is best. Having integrity means a person is honest, trustworthy, reliable, loyal and honorable. To be a leader you must possess these certain characteristics so that you are able to lead fairly and justly. Without integrity and a good set of core values, how can we be able to trust our leaders. The last, but not least, essential quality of a good leader is perseverance. With determination and perseverance, we can know that our leader will keep focused and get us through difficult times. To be determined is one of the most important aspects of a leader so perseverance to do your best and lead the people in the right direction is crucial. Without motivation, a leader can fold under the pressures of the job and let down the people. Perseverance ensures that the job done and the people will be led properly. 1. Integrity is a core quality that every leader must possess. You cannot run any business successfully if you lack integrity. Self-development author Brian Tracy says that whenever he holds a strategic business meeting, the first value every executive agrees on is integrity. Business leaders know- Integrity is the foundation of good leadership, and one must stand for their beliefs. No matter how hard a situation, a good leader inspires with his principles without compromising; they refrain from making false promises or take shortcuts, choosing thoughts and action over personal gain. Delivering the said promises as ethically and morally grounded is necessary to pay the dividend in the long run. 2. An innovative leader is not a creative genius with thought-provoking ideas but gives others the freedom to develop their ideas. You would always find people with great ideas who lack the will, determination, and fear of taking any actions. But innovative leaders are not one of them. Innovative people are always open to new ideas and discussions. They listen to everyone actively and also motivate others to think out of the box. This quality gives them an edge over others since they are always hunting for creativity and innovations. As the innovative leader, Steve Jobs himself said, 'Innovations distinguish between a leader and a follower.' 3. Honesty is expected from leaders to garner trust and respect from people for reliability. Moreover, we look upto people who are loyal to their words and are accountable. Thus, honesty is the most valued trait for any business leader or any leader in general. Leadership can be defined in one word 'Honesty'. You must be honest with the players and honest with yourself. ~Earl Weaver 4. Active Listening is an excellent quality to have when it comes to leadership. Good leaders listen to people with great attention and sincerity. It helps them understand people and their perspectives. Active listening builds trust and relationships in the long run. Good leaders communicate with care, focus on the person and the message; they don't interrupt and acknowledge what is being said. And that is what the world needs; leaders who listen to its people. Acquiring this skill is not easy; it needs self-awareness and humility to respect others’ thoughts. 5. Self-confidence is found abundantly amidst true leaders; hence they know about their competencies and leadership qualities. They are sure about their competencies and leadership skills. They have a sense of self-assurance and self-esteem and, most importantly, believe that they can make a difference. As Rosalynn Carter rightly said, ‘You have to have confidence in your ability and be tough enough to follow through.’ 6. A visionary leader is far-sighted and driven and inspired by what a company can become. Visionary leaders work hard for the greater good and keep themselves updated with time and change. Ensuring a vision for the future with perseverance and keeping everybody invested in the process is what a visionary leader does. 7. Excellent communication is the key to good leadership. An effective leader knows how to put across his message. They are good orators and communicate to get his/her work done. They are not harsh; they choose words and expressions which suit the situation and allow others to express their thoughts and ideas. They understand how important it is to have good communication skills.. They are very conscious and learn from others’ behaviors, which gives them a deep understanding of human complexities.