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Cooperative-interactive approach for teaching speaking (ID:481517)

Тип роботи: курсова
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 26
Рік виконання: 2019
Вартість: 800
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INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................2 CHAPTER I. The Skill of Speaking..........................................................................4 1.1 Speaking Definitions...............................................................................................4 1.2. Teaching strategies for developing speaking skills................................................8 CHAPTER II. Cooperative-interactive approach of studying..............................11 2.1. The Definition of Cooperative Learning and Interactive Learning......................11 2.2. Cooperative Learning Assignments. Cooperative Learning Models and Structures.....................................................................................................................16 2.3. Interactive methods of teaching speaking............................................................19 CONCLUSIONS……………………………………………………………………22 РЕЗЮМЕ………………………………………………………………………...…24 BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………………..25
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INTRODUCTION It is generally accepted that knowing a language and being able to speak it are not synonymous because speaking is a skill which has to be developed and practiced inside and outside the classroom. Unfortunately the majority of students of English have many difficulties to speak it and use it whether inside or outside the classroom and this weak production may be a result of many reasons but the most important one is because of the lack of practice of the language. Teachers of English as a foreign language are in a constant search of what may help their learners increase their level of language proficiency because using the language in class frequently should be through active participation techniques and procedures, by using the appropriate method to enhance the learners level of language fluency, because teaching a foreign language is an interactive process, which involves active participation of both teachers and learners since language is learned best when students interact with each other in groups. Teachers of EFL may face situations in which students are unwilling to speak, because many reasons such as; shyness and anxiety, fear of making mistakes, and lack of self-confidence. Therefore, we will propose cooperative learning as suitable solution for teachers to create communication environment and successful learning atmosphere in the classroom in order to give more opportunities to the learners to speak and improve their proficiency level by developing their self-esteem and reducing their inhibition. The topicality of this paper deals with the necessity of finding what does cooperative-interactive approach means for teaching speaking. The objective of the work is describing and specifying cooperative-interactive approach, its characteristics and the ways this method is working. To achieve this aim we should fulfil the following tasks: 1. to give some short characteristics of what is cooperative-interactive approach; 2. to analyse and systematize methods of this approach which will help for teaching speaking. The object under study is the ways of teaching speaking through cooperative-interactive approach, and the subject of the present thesis can be defined as the cooperative-interactive teaching. The significance of the study. This research would be of great practical importance to those who have interest in this theme. The paper may provide a valuable insight into the ways of analyzing different ways of teaching. The aim of the study is to advance an understanding of the effectiveness of cooperative learning strategies in the classroom. In order to achieve our overall aim, the following objectives have been identified: 1. Examining the students speaking difficulties in classes. 2. Encouraging students to speak, participate and overcome their fear and hesitation. 3. Encouraging teachers to implement the cooperative learning strategies in the classroom. The research methodology consists of a wide review of relevant literature about the cooperative learning and the speaking skill coupled with collection and the analysis of the questionnaires. The method of this research is descriptive. The scientific novelty of the paper deals with the systematization of information. From the structural point of view, the paper falls into two chapters: 1. The Skill of Speaking 2. Cooperative-interactive approach of studying The first chapter provides an extensive overview of what is speaking skills, definition of what is speaking and teachers’ strategies for teaching it. In the second chapter we sustain all the information about cooperative and interactive approaches of teaching speaking, ways, methods, assignments, models and structures of teaching speaking. The course paper consists of the introduction, two chapters, conclusion and the bibliography. The total number of pages is 26; the list of literature embraces 23 sources.