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Іноземна мова (ID:536352)

Тип роботи: контрольна
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 7
Рік виконання: 2022
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Тест № 3 I. Завдання, виконання яких оцінюється в один бал: 1.1. Translate the following words into English: брати на себе сплату боргів - сплачувати податки - товариство - досягати успіху - користуватися послугами банку - встановити торговельні контакти - країна, що одержує допомогу - засіб накопичення - завод-виробник - гонорар - 1.2. Translate the following words into Ukrainian: to settle prices – to be heavy with orders – to distribute profits and losses – to operate a business – sole proprietorship – stockholder – endowment insurance – to exceed - to share risk – compound interest – II. Завдання, виконання яких оцінюється в два бали: 2.1. Give appropriate answers to the following questions: - What makes people think about owning a business of their own? - What helps potential entrepreneurs to start and operate a business. - How do many business leaders begin their carreers as entrepreneurs? - What kind of business organizations you knows? - What problems do small business face? - What other special types of business organizations do you know? - Who does the task of organizing and operating in a large business? - What is the difference between " wages " and " salary "? - How can " wealth " be expressed? - What is a budget? III. Завдання, виконання яких оцінюється в три бали: 3.1. Define the terms: sole proprietorships – corporation – Stockholders – taxes – partnerships – 3.2. Translate into English: Прямий обмін товарами неможливий у розвинутому суспільстві. Для того щоб розвивалася торгівля, мають існувати гроші. Купівельна спроможність грошей у наш час дуже швидко змінюється. Ми успішно провели переговори з цього питання. Монети виготовляють із різних металів. Тест № 4 I. Завдання, виконання оцінюється в один бал: 1.1. Translate the following into Ukrainian: the principal – depreciation – сommon stock – default – income statement – income statement – productivity – output – consumption – insuring – 1.2. Translate the following into English: мати право голосу – пасив (балансу) – довгострокова позика – привілейовані акції – внутрішні борги – фондова біржа – витрати – піднесення і спад – рекламувати – добробут – II. Завдання, виконання яких оцінюється в два бали: 2.1. Give appropriate answers to the following questions: What remains after paying expenses? How do you understand the term "external funds"? What can the firm do to get more money? What rights have common stockholders? What is the reason for investing in mutual funds? What is a nation`s standard of living measured by? When are living standards likely to improve? What is "input "? What does the quality of labor force depend upon? What is the key part of marketing? What is the final part of marketing? III. Завдання, виконання яких оцінюється в три бали: 3.1. Communicative situation: Do you agree or desagree with the following statements on ways to improve productivity? Discuss these statements: a) Government can help to improve productivity by providing more money for medical research, the space program, find research in other highly technical areas rather than for education and other human services. b) Business can improve productivity by investing in new machins fnd other equipment and by reducing its marketing efforts - even if profits decline for a time. c) Labor can help improve productivity by agreeing to accept lower wages. d) Government can help improve productivity by reducing or eliminating taxes on capital gains. e) Government can help improve productivity by eliminating rules and regulations about safety and pollution. f) If workers were involved in making decisions, they would try harder to increase productivity.
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Тест № 3 I. Завдання, виконання яких оцінюється в один бал: 1.1. Translate the following words into English: брати на себе сплату боргів - сплачувати податки - товариство - досягати успіху - користуватися послугами банку - встановити торговельні контакти - країна, що одержує допомогу - засіб накопичення - завод-виробник - гонорар - 1.2. Translate the following words into Ukrainian: to settle prices – to be heavy with orders – to distribute profits and losses – to operate a business – sole proprietorship – stockholder – endowment insurance – to exceed - to share risk – compound interest – II. Завдання, виконання яких оцінюється в два бали: 2.1. Give appropriate answers to the following questions: - What makes people think about owning a business of their own? - What helps potential entrepreneurs to start and operate a business. - How do many business leaders begin their carreers as entrepreneurs? - What kind of business organizations you knows? - What problems do small business face? - What other special types of business organizations do you know? - Who does the task of organizing and operating in a large business? - What is the difference between " wages " and " salary "? - How can " wealth " be expressed? - What is a budget? III. Завдання, виконання яких оцінюється в три бали: 3.1. Define the terms: sole proprietorships – corporation – Stockholders – taxes – partnerships – 3.2. Translate into English: Прямий обмін товарами неможливий у розвинутому суспільстві. Для того щоб розвивалася торгівля, мають існувати гроші. Купівельна спроможність грошей у наш час дуже швидко змінюється. Ми успішно провели переговори з цього питання. Монети виготовляють із різних металів. Тест № 4 I. Завдання, виконання оцінюється в один бал: 1.1. Translate the following into Ukrainian: the principal – depreciation – сommon stock – default – income statement – income statement – productivity – output – consumption – insuring – 1.2. Translate the following into English: мати право голосу – пасив (балансу) – довгострокова позика – привілейовані акції – внутрішні борги – фондова біржа – витрати – піднесення і спад – рекламувати – добробут – II. Завдання, виконання яких оцінюється в два бали: 2.1. Give appropriate answers to the following questions: What remains after paying expenses? How do you understand the term "external funds"? What can the firm do to get more money? What rights have common stockholders? What is the reason for investing in mutual funds? What is a nation`s standard of living measured by? When are living standards likely to improve? What is "input "? What does the quality of labor force depend upon? What is the key part of marketing? What is the final part of marketing? III. Завдання, виконання яких оцінюється в три бали: 3.1. Communicative situation: Do you agree or desagree with the following statements on ways to improve productivity? Discuss these statements: a) Government can help to improve productivity by providing more money for medical research, the space program, find research in other highly technical areas rather than for education and other human services. b) Business can improve productivity by investing in new machins fnd other equipment and by reducing its marketing efforts - even if profits decline for a time. c) Labor can help improve productivity by agreeing to accept lower wages. d) Government can help improve productivity by reducing or eliminating taxes on capital gains. e) Government can help improve productivity by eliminating rules and regulations about safety and pollution. f) If workers were involved in making decisions, they would try harder to increase productivity.
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