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National traditions and customs of Ireland (ID:593834)

Тип роботи: інше
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 23
Рік виконання: 2021
Вартість: 150
Купити цю роботу
1. Information about the country 2. Irish traditions 3. Irish music 4. Irish dance 5. Irish Wedding Traditions 6. Irish Myths and Legends Tradition 7. Unique and interesting Irish traditions and customs
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Зразок роботи
Ireland has always done things differently, they have their own Irish traditions and customs that make them unique to anywhere else in the world. From their language, music, arts, literature, folklore, cuisine and sports are all special to Irish people. Much of Irish traditions have been influenced by Angelo- Norman, Scottish & English Culture. But of course, the biggest influence on Irish traditions and customs have been Gaelic and Celtic culture. In the 12th century, the Anglo-Normans invaded Ireland, then further into the 16th/17th century saw the colonisation of Ireland with the arrival of Anglo-Irish and Scot-Irish (Ulster Scots.) In modern times there are many traditions that are different between the two communities Catholics and Protestants. As well as Irish traditions that differ between travellers and the settled population of Ireland. However, due to the fact that many people of Ireland have emigrated to different parts of the world, Irish traditions and culture have reached a global audience. Festivals such as St. Patrick’s Day and Halloween are celebrated around the globe. Although there are many unique Irish traditions some aspect of Irish culture is shared with other counties. This includes Britain, some English-speaking counties and manly catholic European and Celtic nations. In the 12th century, the Anglo-Normans invaded Ireland, then further into the 16th/17th century saw the colonisation of Ireland with the arrival of Anglo-Irish and Scot-Irish (Ulster Scots.) In modern times there are many traditions that are different between the two communities Catholics and Protestants. As well as Irish traditions that differ between travellers and the settled population of Ireland. However, due to the fact that many people of Ireland have emigrated to different parts of the world, Irish traditions and culture have reached a global audience. Festivals such as St. Patrick’s Day and Halloween are celebrated around the globe. Although there are many unique Irish traditions some aspect of Irish culture is shared with other counties. This includes Britain, some English-speaking counties and manly catholic European and Celtic nations. In the 12th century, the Anglo-Normans invaded Ireland, then further into the 16th/17th century saw the colonisation of Ireland with the arrival of Anglo-Irish and Scot-Irish (Ulster Scots.) In modern times there are many traditions that are different between the two communities Catholics and Protestants. As well as Irish traditions that differ between travellers and the settled population of Ireland. However, due to the fact that many people of Ireland have emigrated to different parts of the world, Irish traditions and culture have reached a global audience. Festivals such as St. Patrick’s Day and Halloween are celebrated around the globe. Although there are many unique Irish traditions some aspect of Irish culture is shared with other counties. This includes Britain, some English-speaking counties and manly catholic European and Celtic nations.
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